What did you accomplish today?

View attachment 5309224New lettuce bed positioned and partly filled. Have to make more mix to fill it entirely. Paving is still a work in progress, beds in the background to be upgraded at the end of the season.
Awesome setup with the huge water storage tank and beautiful planters. Plants do so much better on rain water!!

My aging wooden planters need replacing soon and this is a really good choice. I saw some home made ones made with metal roof decking and lumber that were really nice too.
88f and humidity is about same today.
Took lunch at the rocks, 78f here, sea mist was heavy from the cold water. Still some smoke from Canada, not too bad today.
Natural air conditioning but tourist everywhere, every rock. Watched some people almost get washed out, seemed obtuse to the rising waters.

I salvaged a nice piece of " Americana " , ( I think ) . We were walking the hounds and happen to stroll by a lot with a demolished cottage on it . A new
" cottage " was going to be built ( some are huge, fancy, lavish castles ). Anyway, I notice something shiny on a 2×4 , so I checked it out . It's an " Old School " , 7 up soda
bottle opener , the old iron ones that were always naild up in a busy are......garages for sure . It's probably from the 40's or 50's. I love it.......it takes me back to a happy , fun place !


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Just finished the project I've been working on the last 5 weeks. Customer wanted screened 3 season porches on the front and back of the house and a new metal roof. I did this in my spare time after work and weekends and completed the job for a total of $10k.
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Nice f'ing work ! It really bangs that trailer up quite a few notches . The steps and handrails look fantastic. Working for a living , I remember that....I miss it like a
toothache .
I was fitted with a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring/recording unit today per my doctor's order- I ended up turning it off and taking it off after 4 hours as it was extremely uncomfortable, having somewhat sharp edges on the cuff part of the affair. I'm certain that the stress induced by this horribly designed unit actually raises one's blood pressure