What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I do enjoy some british amateur films with the bad teeth and plump cabooses. And Kirsten is cute, over bite yes, but no snaggletoof...and damn nice rack


Virtually Unknown Member
you know any good poppy tea threads?
i was gonna whip up some opium but im too lazy. and its been a while since ive gone this route.
im sure i could just use my nogin and come out with something good though
bluelight has numerous threads about PS tea. thought i had some deepweb stuff, but i couldn't find it. duck might know

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Well-Known Member
how much snaggle we talkin?
like kirsten dunst Kristin kreuk
or more like jewels teeth?
or are you going straight up britain

is this a real porn category?
It's hard to get just the right amount of snaggle, it's really complicated. Too much and you just feel bad and lose your wood. You start wondering things that just aren't good. It takes you right out of porn world and it all becomes too real. Too little snaggle and it's just not enough. Like above, that's low end snaggle, you are exactly right. You'll know when you've found it though. It's that little bit extra dirty feeling, kinda fucked up feeling that if you got caught beating it it would be worse for you.

For me the fun is the search. You give each candidate an interview basically, and then move on in your search. She gets about 2 minutes of my time, and if she's not the one, I move on. There's a lot of fucked up teeth out there, she's nothing special.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Mowed down a huge area of brush extending my lawn massively, was GREAT as it was my first run with the new 50cc cutter. Scrubbed and sealed all corners and joins on the roof using rubberized bitumen. Got a little carried away and its too hot for gloves so I stuck the brush to my hand it wad funny. Managed to get some scrubbing done inside too, cooked a nice dinner and spent some time on guitar. Even fit a 3-zip trim in just before bed. Good day, really great weather. Really satisfying end to my holiday, ready for a productive year.