What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
LVTK x Sunshine4 in a OG Arizer Air.
Uh, now the OG Arizer, is that the first Arizer? I have one, but only
tried it once. I wonder if you could tell me more about that thing, please?
How's it work for you? How long you had it? Which kinds of materials can
you burn in it? I tried ground up flower tops. Will it do extracts? Which kinds
of extracts? Ii wouldn't think it'd do dabs, right? I think it says it does oils, right?
I had mine for like 6 years or so. It's back in the box, because i didn't want to clean it, and other reasons.


Well-Known Member
I offered some more caps of my home-grown stuff to my sister today, to be delivered to her by our Dad for Xmas. Her response:

"Sorry, I can't remember the actual strains you gave me, I just know that I don't take Endone at night anymore! Haven't for over 11 months now, woo hoo!

All blessed by my GP too! The Government supply which I could legally get is $600 per fortnight. Out of my bill range, so my GP is very happy I have an economic alternative."

I'll send her a shitload of caps.......


Well-Known Member
Uh, now the OG Arizer, is that the first Arizer? I have one, but only
tried it once. I wonder if you could tell me more about that thing, please?
How's it work for you? How long you had it? Which kinds of materials can
you burn in it? I tried ground up flower tops. Will it do extracts? Which kinds
of extracts? Ii wouldn't think it'd do dabs, right? I think it says it does oils, right?
I had mine for like 6 years or so. It's back in the box, because i didn't want to clean it, and other reasons.
I use flowers only
My biggest change is I make a small square platform from SS screen by cutting 4 slots parallel/perpendicular to the wire strands and bend the sides to fit in stems. Dramatically raises air flow and decreases resistance. Ben doin* this for years.