What did you accomplish today?

Lost youth..what a bitch. Actually I'm living in the Seneca , Keuka area (vineyards up the ass, hundreds of wineries)...Skaneateles Lake is way north east of me. If ya ever want to go on a wild ride, a wine tour ( they start mid-morning and go all day) let me know. I'll arrange a DD and get a cornucopia of illicit drugs for the adventure................."Fear and Loathing in Wine Country".

Keuka is a beautiful lake too....They all are. A group of us camped one year at the campground there on Memorial Day weekend, and it turned out to be a rare one with 90 degree weather all weekend...But the water was still icy cold. We all skied, but I remember I bought a wetsuit before the following weekend.
Checked the closet grow this morning, I keep having problems with leaves drying out and couldn't figure out why. The temp wasn't that warm and they didn't need water. The humidity, especially with this N wind blowing is down to 20% :shock:
Dragged out a coffee can full of water and an old aquarium air pump with a bubble stone. Put another can full of water on the shelf. Fingers crossed.
I replaced the serpentine belt tensioner in the lady's car. Talk about a crap job. It's not hard but you have to support the engine and remove the passenger side motor mount. I did this because there is a nasty rattling whining noise. The first thing I thought was a bearing somewhere so I removed the serpentine belt. The alternator and air-conditioning pump were fine but the tensioner pulley didn't spin and seemed like the bearing was bad as it was making a grinding noise. So I replaced that but there is still noise. Had I been thinking I would have started the engine without the serpentine belt on and ruled out anything spinning in that area.

Then I yanked the valve cover to inspect the timing chain as these Chevy ecotec engines are notorious for that. No dice. The timing chain is fine, no broken guides or anything. I'm at a loss at this point. At least I ruled those things out and the serpentine belt needed replacing anyway as the old one was all cracked and looked like it could fail at any time.

These cars suck. And one of the headlights went out again and it requires dropping the front bumper to get in to replace it. The car is paid off and the lady had been talking about getting something new anyway because these Malibu's are crap. Probably take it into the stealership and use it as a trade in.




Sometimes it is nice to get stoned and just stare into a wood fire.

I think
Keuka is a beautiful lake too....They all are. A group of us camped one year at the campground there on Memorial Day weekend, and it turned out to be a rare one with 90 degree weather all weekend...But the water was still icy cold. We all skied, but I remember I bought a wetsuit before the following weekend.
Yeah, that time of year
Keuka is a beautiful lake too....They all are. A group of us camped one year at the campground there on Memorial Day weekend, and it turned out to be a rare one with 90 degree weather all weekend...But the water was still icy cold. We all skied, but I remember I bought a wetsuit before the following weekend.
You'll need a wet suit during that wine tour debauchery.
Fucking around doing stupid finish shit waiting on my prehung doors to arrive. Takes a month to get quality prehung doors around here turns out
Took more time making these cased openings jambs then it did to hang them. Almost done today.
i accomplished a bunch of gardening earlier of course but i also accomplished only partially shedding a tear over Rex today. Been crying like a little girl at least a couple times a day.

gotta stay busy.
I should have bought a new bad ass tables saw.
Instead i bought this 10” ryobi with stand from home depot. It’s done allot of shit building this house. Like allot! but try getting a stacked dado set for a ten inch. Doesn’t happen.
I made do but
My splurge was a Rockwell Unisaw. I don’t use it near as much as it deserves. I saw good reviews on that Ryobi. Heck you should have seen the work my dad’s Craftsman did, puts my saw skills to shame
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Well that was a nightmare. I found the problem. It was the starter. It wasn't disengaging. I'll pick a new one up tomorrow and be done with this. I sure misdiagnosed the issue at first. Oh well, I replaced some extra parts that needed to be replaced. I'm into it for under $300 in parts and a shop would have charged at least $500 just to replace the starter.

I also got to use my tools and get my hands greasy. Makes me feel like a real man. :mrgreen: I will say one thing. They sure cram things in and make it extremely difficult to DIY on cars these days. I'm not looking forward to putting the top bolt back in. It's a blind bolt and difficult to get to.

As you can see the the gear isn't retracting like it should. This is how it looked when I pulled it out. The gear was still engaged with the flywheel. You should only see about a half inch of the gear but it's fully deployed. It won't even retract when I try to push it back.
