What did you accomplish today?

Starting a side hustle in neurosurgery? I'd recommend the speed handle version:
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It's a little more spendy but I'd go with the disposable Codman Perforator instead of the reusable bits.
That one is an old wood drill, Got tired of load-shedding (when they switch the power off occasionally to stop the network collapsing), then I can't finish crates for shipping.

I'll probably clean it with the battery charger and respray. but don't feel like polishing up the shafts.
"Fixed" the desktop, son lost internet so I told him to reboot it and if that didn't work unplug the router cable and plug it back in. Still nothing, so I swapped the cable, nothing. He missed the reboot part I guess, did that and Bob's your uncle. Drama, I'm tired boss
I studied the ancient art of Tantric Botulism from a 7th-Dan sensei in a disgustingly dirty cave in the Himalayas. Needless to say, it was both enlightening & emetically cathartic at the same time. My culinary life has never been the same since.

I've also crossed unwashed knives with a celebrity/filmic deity by the name of Chuck Chunda. It was a tough gig, but definitely opened-up the sluices at both ends & provided a whole new meaning to "God".

I'm just messing with you.
I hope weed can hold me together until the day Dr. McCoy shows up to pull us out of the goddamned Spanish Inquisition.

Remembering the discussions of historical medicine in my past. I believe history regarding our response to this virus is going to be a double face palming moment in our social/psychology/psychiatry history. That there could be this level of stupidity about science is astounding and worse people proud of their ignorance.

@Tangerine_ posted about the Backfire Effect (first time I'd heard of it) and I must say it's shocking it's so prevalent it's been named!
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Remembering the discussions of historical medicine in my past. I believe history regarding our response to this virus is going to be a double face palming moment in our social/psychology/psychiatry history. That there could be this level of stupidity about science is astounding and worse people proud of their ignorance.

@Tangerine_ posted about the Backfire Effect (first time I'd heard of it) and I must say it's shocking it's so prevalent it's been named!
on one hand...i think it would be good to get some psychologists involved in the "marketing" of the vaccine, people who know how to couch information in ways that make it more presentable to the dumbasses who "suffer" from these biases and neuroses...on the second hand, i sort of feel like manipulating the simple minded is shameful, even if it's for their own ( and everyone around them) good...on the third hand...fuck em if they haven't gotten the vaccine by now, they deserve what they get....
i really try to be nice and do the right thing, but my basic instinct is to let stupid people stick a fork in the outlet, if they do it twice, they deserve to get the shit shocked out of them...if they do it three times, now we got a new mtv reality star...
Caught a buzz, went outside and was working on grapevine bed when I saw a familiar face galumphing down the road with something long wrapped in canvas. It was the kid I had picked up ( bartered for) an 1862 Tower rifle from. This time he had another rifle, a mid 19th century " breech loader". These rifles eventually went to the wayside during civil war ( repeating rifles). Have no idea yet what the f I got.....I like it..........In exchange for the breech loader.......... block and tackle, micrometer and a Pyrex condenser joint. I threw in some Chocolope ( wanna keep him coming back) .
I'm gonna have to go check my gun cabinet, because I swear I have the same exact gun, that I got from my grandfather about 50 years ago. If not exact it's damned similar...