What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Had lunch with my sexy married violinist gf. I hadn't seen her in months, and she looked amazing. She's been running aside from her yoga and some weights, and she was really proud of her body. She then showed me (supposedly reluctantly) a pic of her in some thong lingerie to demonstrate her tight ass. I told her that really hurt our friendship and that I'd have to go home now and masturbate. She laughed and slapped me. Afterward,I took another scooter ride to the lake, it was super windy so I was passing all the cyclists. On the way to my buddy's house I tried to squeeze between this nice car and a school bus, when the bus suddenly turned in a bit for no apparent reason. I smacked into the car, knocked off its hub cap, and the lady inside was PISSED. She called the cops and I just apologized and waited with her. She asked if I had my ID, cell phone, anything to identify me. Nope and nope, but of course I did. She called out a male co-worker who stood with us, as she worked right across the street. I charmed them both and we chatted a while as I subtly looked for a path to just bolt out of there if the urge struck. Her coworker snapped on her hub cap, and she finally got tired of waiting after about 30 minutes. She called the cops back and told them not to come. She asked where I worked and if I had any cash - Sorry, I'm unemployed but I have $10, would you like it? She looked at me with contempt and told be to be more careful. No problem, lady. Thanks for being so cool. Little Adventures in the Big City...


Well-Known Member
Finished the heavy hand sanding on my Oak walking stick. I like the borer holes in it. Gives it character. Need to finish it up with some 120 or 180, add wood filler to a few cracks and stain it. I had a stick for like 5 years and the people who cut down our oak and sweetgum tree chipped my stick with the rest of the wood when I left it leaning on the porch. This one is similar in shape and fits me prefect.55E675BA-74F8-4F23-8A57-4C11CDAF2EAD.jpeg


Ursus marijanus
Finished the heavy hand sanding on my Oak walking stick. I like the borer holes in it. Gives it character. Need to finish it up with some 120 or 180, add wood filler to a few cracks and stain it. I had a stick for like 5 years and the people who cut down our oak and sweetgum tree chipped my stick with the rest of the wood when I left it leaning on the porch. This one is similar in shape and fits me prefect.View attachment 4888468
For the cracks and borer holes, use some wood dust from sanding, pack it in and use cyanoacrylate. You’ll probably need to do multiple applications to fill it til it’s proud of the wood so you can sand it even. I’ve done that with manzanita.


Well-Known Member
Finished the heavy hand sanding on my Oak walking stick. I like the borer holes in it. Gives it character. Need to finish it up with some 120 or 180, add wood filler to a few cracks and stain it. I had a stick for like 5 years and the people who cut down our oak and sweetgum tree chipped my stick with the rest of the wood when I left it leaning on the porch. This one is similar in shape and fits me prefect.View attachment 4888468
Hope you have a very long beard to go with a walking stick like that, perhaps a pointy hat as well!



Well-Known Member
Hope you have a very long beard to go with a walking stick like that, perhaps a pointy hat as well!

View attachment 4888707
Unfortunately I didn’t get my fathers beard genes lol. My wife told me “you do not need a walking stick that big”. I told her that the moon was going to charge my stick overnight and in the morning I’m going to walk outside slam my stick into the ground and invoke lighting and thunder lol.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm probably insane, but I just put four tomatoes in. In April! LOL. June 1st is our safe planting time, but I already have peas and lettuce up and the forecast looks good. And these are all just extra plants if they get killed there are more. Think I'm going to put a few cucumber and squash seeds in as wellIMG_20210427_164304.jpgIMG_20210427_164245.jpgIMG_20210427_164228.jpgIMG_20210427_164155.jpg