What did you accomplish today?

Did you smoke it?
Ran new drip hose in the raspberries, should probably replace the one in the garlic also. Got a good nap in this afternoon, perfect cloudy weather for it. Beer shelf is full, buds and suds time.
Damn I just got in a killer nap in too. My buddy is here, we were gonna go out to eat, but we both passed out after vaping rosin all afternoon. :blsmoke:

Looks like bacon and eggs for dinner, followed by more :weed: for desert.
I went and bought a $50 push mower from Facebook Marketplace today...and then had a brain fart moment and realized what's wrong with my old one.

When I tried to start it without the blade on, I broke the flywheel key. You can't start a lawnmower with the blade off and I had forgotten this. That's why I thought it was seized, and was able to free it up by hand.

I was getting spark and gas so couldn't figure it out, but this is it...the timing is off because the key is broken. An easy fix as long as you have a flywheel puller, which I do, and probably a $1 part.

I went and bought a $50 push mower from Facebook Marketplace today...and then had a brain fart moment and realized what's wrong with my old one.

When I tried to start it without the blade on, I broke the flywheel key. You can't start a lawnmower with the blade off and I had forgotten this. That's why I thought it was seized, and was able to free it up by hand.

I was getting spark and gas so couldn't figure it out, but this is it...the timing is off because the key is broken. An easy fix as long as you have a flywheel puller, which I do, and probably a $1 part.

And what of the new $50 mower?

Mark it up to 75 and put it back up.

Let the 1st caller have it for the 50 and he thinks he won a win win situation.
been cutting to size and fitting raised beds with leeky hose, planted some more tomato's and 2 squash. we have some greatt starting plants early this year , as my mum has grabbed one of my grow lights for the veg seedlings after i persuaded her to try it out, she's now hooked on grow lights, so i can kiss good bye to that one now
One good thing about the mess is I got a good working Buchi waterbath out of it...I tested it yesterday and it seems real accurate. That will come in handy for something. Chemistry is quite fascinating and it took me until now for me to fully appreciate it! And it's fun!
nice, thats a handy little thing to have, im just useing a heating mantle with a water bath and a stand and claw to hold anything in it.
been looking at cole parmer and heidolph rotovaops, one day ill be able to afford one