What did you accomplish today?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Sexism (belief one sex is superior to the other) and misogyny (hatred of all women) are not equivalents.
You accused me of being a misogynist, which I denied as I don't hate all (or even one particular) women.
I'm sorry you're lonely, maybe if you were nicer to people you don't know you wouldn't have ended up living alone.
But it's not my fault, and seeking my attention by trying to initiate a flame war isn't rational thinking.
Let's take this to PM please.


Well-Known Member
One more picture. One of the bigger pieces.

Dragon fly. The main body is from a treadmill lifting rod. The wings are the stakes from a metal grass divider thingy(Found in the front yard of a bank). The sprocket is off a Honda(Bike was sold). I forgot where the round rod came from. The small brass piece on the tail is from a fireplace tool set. Bicycle ball bearings for eyes. Six bearings total. Three per side. Steam punk robot feel looking.

He's hard to get a close picture of. Because he's mounted near the ceiling. Any dark spots you see is tempering colors using a torch.

I've made three dragonflies. This one is the biggest. The other two are big as your hand. One is in a flower pot. The other was a Christmas gift to someone.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
One more picture. One of the bigger pieces.

Dragon fly. The main body is from a treadmill lifting rod. The wings are the stakes from a metal grass divider thingy(Found in the front yard of a bank). The sprocket is off a Honda(Bike was sold). I forgot where the round rod came from. The small brass piece on the tail is from a fireplace tool set. Bicycle ball bearings for eyes. Six bearings total. Three per side. Steam punk robot feel looking.

He's hard to get a close picture of. Because he's mounted near the ceiling. Any dark spots you see is tempering colors using a torch.

I've made three dragonflies. This one is the biggest. The other two are big as your hand. One is in a flower pot. The other was a Christmas gift to someone.

View attachment 4847592
Good eye and nice work! Thank you for sharing these.


Well-Known Member
@Beehive Nice work! What kind of tig setup are you running?

It's funny.....welding has been getting brought up a lot....not just on riu but in general......not getting any hopes up yet. But there is a light.....I'm starting to see it! I miss the shop big time.

Miller Multimatic 220. I only use the TIG. I have the mig torch lead under the bed. Only because I don't want to rent a second bottle of argon mix. Right now, pure Argon runs me $50 a year for the bottle rental. ~$45 for a refill. Plus, I really don't have room for another bottle.


Well-Known Member
Here's the other dragon fly. The eyes are more bicycle ball bearings. This thing is a mix of stainless and plain steel. Stainless bolt. Steel nuts and more spoon handles. And of course, a dodge antenna. The local junk yard charges me $3.50 per antenna. Ive bought probably 7-9 antenna (?)...

It's difficult to show the welds because it's tiny. I try to hide the welding when I can.


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Well-Known Member
Here's the other dragon fly. The eyes are more bicycle ball bearings. This thing is a mix of stainless and plain steel. Stainless bolt. Steel nuts and more spoon handles. And of course, a dodge antenna. The local junk charges me $3.50 per antenna. Ive bought probably 7-9 antenna (?)...

It's difficult to show the welds because it's tiny. I try to hide the welding when I can.

View attachment 4847701

View attachment 4847703
That's cool man. You hopefully sell some of your artwork. You do have a good eye.


Well-Known Member
That's cool man. You hopefully sell some of your artwork. You do have a good eye.
Thank You, but I don't sell. I do sign the pieces though.

Places like, https://www.etsy.com has person after person selling their scrap metal art. From cheap to hundreds of dollars. Some crappy and some nice.

It's like everything else in life. Unless you're famous or your artwork breaks out the norm. A person won't make enough money to make it worth giving up things that gives you emotions as you walk through the house.

Money is ugly. I'd rather have the art myself.