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Well-Known Member
Does anyone think the electric cars are going to take off even after the deep freeze in Texas and the turbines freezing up and the push for the new green deal?
And that is what I wonder about electrics in Canada. The Texas cold snap would almost be shorts weather in some locals here. At -30 to -40 you run your car until it gets warm otherwise your windshield freezes up with your breath and you can't see a thing. Wondering how we can get across some of our areas in the country.


Well-Known Member
I'm being gifted a BHO extraction set with a case of butane that one of my customers acquired and he doesn't know how to use it...hahahaha, hehehehe...I don't know how to use it either, but I do know how to use YouTube. :hump: I'm gonna really need to make a donation to the fire department here soon!!