What did you accomplish today?

Another nice upgrade is new Formica / laminate....You can go right over the old laminate if there is any...and the only special tool you need is a router and a flush trim bit. I bought a cheapo ay Harbor freight as I use it rarely.

I re-did my buddies kitchen counter tops. They were in good shape but a 1970's green. I bought a 4' x 8' sheet of high end "granite" laminate for like $120, removed the sink, removed the counters from the wall, re-laminated them, and you would swear they are granite counter tops when you walk in the kitchen. It's actually a fairly easy, fun job (other than removing the sink). He had gotten an estimate for new laminate counter tops for $1,000 so he saved nearly $900 and they can't be told from new!!
Yeah there's a lot of stuff one can do. I was attracted to the epoxy because of how unique and cool they can look. Whole Laminate countertops are actually pretty cheap now if you don't have a lot of linear feet and if you're a diy. I would probably just opt for a whole new one. Lowes has a 6' Formica/ laminate for like 129. Which is the size of my sink area.
There's more to this story. Do tell.
I took toothpaste from near sea level to over 7000 feet in elevation on a vacation. I opened the now pressurized tube, shot myself in the eye with toothpaste lid, and flinched.

As a result, I put my head through the glass shower door behind me and sliced off 3/5ths of my scalp and my left ear

Penis was okay tho