Well-Known Member
Speed handles on aircraft access panels are good that way. Then you look around to see if anyone noticed you abusing yourself.Wrench handles to the forehead here.
Speed handles on aircraft access panels are good that way. Then you look around to see if anyone noticed you abusing yourself.Wrench handles to the forehead here.
Yeah there's a lot of stuff one can do. I was attracted to the epoxy because of how unique and cool they can look. Whole Laminate countertops are actually pretty cheap now if you don't have a lot of linear feet and if you're a diy. I would probably just opt for a whole new one. Lowes has a 6' Formica/ laminate for like 129. Which is the size of my sink area.Another nice upgrade is new Formica / laminate....You can go right over the old laminate if there is any...and the only special tool you need is a router and a flush trim bit. I bought a cheapo ay Harbor freight as I use it rarely.
I re-did my buddies kitchen counter tops. They were in good shape but a 1970's green. I bought a 4' x 8' sheet of high end "granite" laminate for like $120, removed the sink, removed the counters from the wall, re-laminated them, and you would swear they are granite counter tops when you walk in the kitchen. It's actually a fairly easy, fun job (other than removing the sink). He had gotten an estimate for new laminate counter tops for $1,000 so he saved nearly $900 and they can't be told from new!!
........the 6" never stay in....
I accidentally stabbed myself in the chest with an X-acto knife in 1987 while I was building this model
View attachment 4776070
View attachment 4776072
View attachment 4776073
Ouch! Did you need stitches?
Nice work, love the chain.
I spilt my lip and chipped a tooth
Say that three times fast, lol
FJ?I chipped a tooth in 1981 when a Toyota Landcruiser hood fell on my head, driving my teeth into the radiator
I was lucky it wasn't worse
No, but once I tried to open a tube of toothpaste and wound up in the hospital for three nights
Heck if I know
I took toothpaste from near sea level to over 7000 feet in elevation on a vacation. I opened the now pressurized tube, shot myself in the eye with toothpaste lid, and flinched.There's more to this story. Do tell.
I took toothpaste from near sea level to over 7000 feet in elevation on a vacation. I opened the now pressurized tube, shot myself in the eye with toothpaste lid, and flinched.
As a result, I put my head through the glass shower door behind me and sliced off 3/5ths of my scalp and my left ear
Penis was okay tho