What did you accomplish today?

The bigger the pump the bigger the splash....you don't need a big pump. As long as it gets your table to the depth you need, it'll be good. I also put a upside down pot over the flooder so it doesn't splash all over when it turns on.
Makes sense and I appreciate the tips...F&D is all new to me! I can cross pump of the list because I have many small ones!

Ohh most certainly is and my knees too.
I have several buddies who are floor covering installers. That has to be one of the worst jobs for backs and knees...right up there with roofing. At least you stay out of the elements!! So your back will be wore out but your skin will still look good at least :D
I'm gonna run to the grocery for a few quick things...and pick up some ice to make bubble hash during the storm! Should start snowing any time now! Now we are up to 12" -20" forecast :-( WTF ?!

I'm gathering stuff slowly to try a flood & drain table. I have the main tray and I have the fittings ordered. I probably need a better pump, and a reservoir. Next I'll build a table for the tray. Maybe in January I can try it. Also have to get pots and the stuff to fill them.

I took all my EBay sales money and bought new grow stuff with it. My Christmas present to me 8-)
That's on my list too!
I've never done flood & drain.
I normally buy cheaper trays that aren't made for F&D, but recently bought a few off craigslist that should be perfect -- for $20 each :hump:
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Check ebay for free coffee tables.

Old pallets also work fine, just add legs made with 2X4 scraps.

Invest $8 in wheels ($2 each @ harbor freight), and you're all set!

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If you want a table that holds a res under the tray, harbor freight has cheap shop carts that might work.
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That's on my list too!
I've never done flood & drain.
I normally buy cheaper trays that aren't made for F&D, but recently bought a few off craigslist that should be perfect -- for $20 each :hump:
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Check ebay for free coffee tables.

Old pallets also work fine, just add legs made with 2X4 scraps.

Invest $8 in wheels ($2 each @ harbor freight), and you're all set!

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If you want a table that holds a res under the tray, harbor freight has cheap shop carts that might work.
That is almost identical to the tray I have, only mine's black. It seems the 4'x4' are the most common size for commercial growers, but this is experimental and I'm going cheap!! I saw somewhere they make a 52" x 52" open res to go underneath a 48" x 48" tray...which would hopefully make it leakproof.

I was thinking of trying to do something to protect my room in the event of a flood...But I also got thinking, even though it's a 100 liter tray, the pots that will be in the tray take up the majority of space so really not pumping that much water...maybe 10-20 liters will fill it I'm thinking.
I will say this about the pandemic, it is really great for selling drugs. I meet clients in a strip mall parking lot 200 feet from my place. I have them roll down their passenger side window, and I just stick my head in to say hello. Nowadays everyone minds their own business and stays away from others, and we get to be anonymous with the masks. Even with all the cameras around these days, it would be very difficult to identify me should someone be looking to do so. Plus biz is great because everyone is going nuts cooped up all day. Always on the look out for silver linings...
He leads with his nose
If that were true I'd blue.heeler your ass down to the bone " awhooowahowhoo[o. I miss those old books like sounder, old yeller ,where the wild fern grows, Jack London and Ernest Hemingway. Fathers make your sons read those books. Forgot about gentle ben. One good one dad had, My first fish" how to catch fish 101. Pops checked out the library so many times, grandma bought him a copy like 1929. And yeah I fucked up the spelling^
If that were true I'd blue.heeler your ass down to the bone " awhooowahowhoo[o. I miss those old books like sounder, old yeller ,where the wild fern grows, Jack London and Ernest Hemingway. Fathers make your sons read those books. Forgot about gentle ben. One good one dad had, My first fish" how to catch fish 101. Pops checked out the library so many times, grandma bought him a copy like 1929. And yeah I fucked up the spelling^
I had a red heeler a few years back, does that count?