What did you accomplish today?

What are the buoys for?

I often ask myself the same question. ;)

Same temp here LG. Got a dusting of snow outside. Chopped a few plants yesterday......I gotta stop for a bit. To much shit going on to start new plants right now. Sucks because this is my favorite time of year to grow. I looked all day for Xmas gifts.....I wanted to get a nintendo switch for a family gift. But everyone wants to rip you off or it's sold out. High of 29° today :)

bummer how long will you be down for?

it’s supposed to be nice here forthe end of the week
I often ask myself the same question. ;)

bummer how long will you be down for?

it’s supposed to be nice here forthe end of the week
Snow on the ground here this morning too, but supposed to be near 60F on Friday...I'm hoping to get some vehicle repairs done then...Hopefully my EGR valve will be here and I'd better get my plow installed on the ATV.

Just got the call from my insurance, my MRI has been approved. I was starting to think they forgot about me :-(
What are the buoys for?
My wild guess: shark social distancing

Went to Ace and picked up some elbows and glue to finish off my custom drain pans for the grow room. They had reciprocating saw blades on sale so I grabbed them also, time to trash the old dull ones. Picked up beer on the way home. Chicken for dinner. Buds and suds in a bit.
My wild guess: shark social distancing

Too many big jellyfish (size of dinner plates) in the sea for me to swim at Hua Hin.
But I used to enjoy having beer on the Pier with my pals (big roof just behind the green boat).
I'd get the overnight bus down there for the weekend (14hr bus ride each way)
yummy love the food...what part of SE asia are you from? Guessing Thai? I always thought Vietnam....
Stuck in Thailand by COVID, all of Asia is closed borders ....... I've missed 2 trips to Cambodia because of it this year.
Oh well, not the worse place in the world to be stuck, have to wear a mask for government/supermarket/bank but off the moment you're out.
I just started a beer collection, take one of every new variety that comes in the door.
Doesn't matter whose beer it is ( I keep explaining that rule to my daughter), its mine now. Amazing how fast beer can accumulate, better than prosperity prayers, lol.
Never heard Beerayana Buddhism explained better.

In the US there are the odd sects who say that of the gracious triad of faith, hops and love; the greatest of these is hops. I imagine they don’t hold with distilling the Holy Spirit.
Never heard Beerayana Buddhism explained better.
LOL, very apt.
Had to Google/ Wiki-up with references beyond my brain cell limit yet again...;)

That is definitely my beer collection
"If you look to see where it comes from, you will see that it does not come from anywhere. If you look to see where it is, you will see that it does not seem to abide anywhere. If you look to see where it goes, you will see that it does not go anywhere. "
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