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Wtf? I take a job being a independent contractor driving someone else's newer sprinter van for way way to little pay. I do 9 deliveries and drive 275 miles daily and the owner of the company says that I need to start even earlier to get the work done by 11 am. I drove over 70 mph on the freeway the whole way and took no breaks. I already hate my job..>:(
I just had t he coolest taxi driver w e were chatting how we hate neighbors dude didn't even run his meter but I tipped
My post about feeling like I'm drowning, how stoned are you?
Oh is that what you are freaked out about, I clicked the wrong emoji, my apologies. How stoned, pretty stoned as well as a little drunk at the time. You have me looking all over the place for some kind of offensive comment when it was the little emoji I clicked by mistake. I have corrected that, sorry you were offended, laughing at your post was the furthest thing from my mind. It was supposed to be a sad face, not a laughing face. Hence not knowing what the heck you were talking about. Clearly there was nothing funny about your statement. You take care now, apologies for the misunderstanding.
Oh is that what you are freaked out about, I clicked the wrong emoji, my apologies. How stoned, pretty stoned as well as a little drunk at the time. You have me looking all over the place for some kind of offensive comment when it was the little emoji I clicked by mistake. I have corrected that, sorry you were offended, laughing at your post was the furthest thing from my mind. It was supposed to be a sad face, not a laughing face. Hence not knowing what the heck you were talking about. Clearly there was nothing funny about your statement. You take care now, apologies for the misunderstanding.
Understood, shit happens.
Understood, shit happens.
I appreciate your understanding. You had me looking everywhere trying to figure out how I made you so unhappy even though I had never made a comment to you, wasn't until your response that I found your post and realized what had happened. I suppose if I thought someone were laughing at my health issues I would be pretty pissed as well. I am glad we got it sorted out, you have a great day. :peace:
I appreciate your understanding. You had me looking everywhere trying to figure out how I made you so unhappy even though I had never made a comment to you, wasn't until your response that I found your post and realized what had happened. I suppose if I thought someone were laughing at my health issues I would be pretty pissed as well. I am glad we got it sorted out, you have a great day. :peace:
You also.