What did you accomplish today?

Prognosis: deviated septum, I've never even broken my nose, I guess you can be born with one. Going to try some nose sprays for awhile. :roll:
The prognosis is good now they have the diagnosis. Some nasal spray, a good fitting cpap (you need the mask not the nasal cannula) and an acceptance of being a mouth breather can all help. Hugs my friend. When the air quality gets better that will help a little too and check the inside humidity of your home, keep it 30 and over, higher in the evening and while you sleep helps. When I'm having a run I keep a humdifier by my bedside..
do you have to sleep with one of those cpap machines?

A friend was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and his biggest concern was having to sleep with the mask/ machine...I haven't yet heard how it's going. I guess that's a bit different though. They use to think a deviated septum causes sleep apnea but I don't think so anymore.

I have gotten allergies as I get older, and use nasal sprays daily. Especially when I smoke vape, it's instant congestion. Always waking up with a dry mouth from mouth breathing.

Gonan try and get some groceries today, in the next town over that doesn't have a covid rate of over 5% of the population, like my city does!!
Mine also, not sure how this will work out either. I just know it has gotten to the point something has to be done.
I hope it goes smoothly!!

I bought one of these whole house humidifiers (similar to) a few years ago for the winter time here, when I had a woodstove it would get super dry. I think I paid $100, and it's still like new...Puts about 3 gallons of water in the air every single day. I use to use RO water in it even, but got tired of carrying buckets up the stairs! Needs a new wick once a season for like $10. Something to consider,

I have to run a dehumidifier all summer in the basement, and then shortly after the heat comes on in the fall I break out the humidifier.

OK, grocery time!!
A friend was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and his biggest concern was having to sleep with the mask/ machine...I haven't yet heard how it's going. I guess that's a bit different though. They use to think a deviated septum causes sleep apnea but I don't think so anymore.

I have gotten allergies as I get older, and use nasal sprays daily. Especially when I smoke vape, it's instant congestion. Always waking up with a dry mouth from mouth breathing.

Gonan try and get some groceries today, in the next town over that doesn't have a covid rate of over 5% of the population, like my city does!!
Although a deviated septum and enlarged turbinates don't cause sleep apnea they can exacerbate it. Humidifiers can really help.
I am waiting for a fitting for the mask right now, a therapist is supposed to come to the house and show me how to run it also. The machine has a heated humidifier in it.

Lunderg makes a pillow side sleepers that have cavities for the mask and hose. We got one for my dad, it was pretty expensive for a pillow but he loves it.

Lunderg makes a pillow side sleepers that have cavities for the mask and hose. We got one for my dad, it was pretty expensive for a pillow but he loves it.

Surprisingly it's the little things that make all the difference