What did you accomplish today?

I remember a home inspection years ago, the inspector found termite evidence and recommended having an expert come in. The expert said there was termites at one time but wasps moved in and ate them. The seller was happy as he didn't have to pay for any extermination work.

they're nice to have around....think right now I have 2 nests....one that is the size of my fist, and from what looks like maybe a new developing in a tree.....I like having them around....the mrs not so much, cause they might sting one of the grand children.....course I'm the type of guy that usually says if they get stung they shouldn't have messed with them....course my name changes soon after I say that....
Well here we go. I received some unsettling news from our farm network of neighbors. I got a text early yesterday morning from a neighbor grower on our road. As he was driving to town at first light he clearly saw a person dressed in a guilly suit run across the road behind him and into the brush. As the word went out, another neighbor said his crew reported someone throwing rocks at his drying shed before dawn. One of his crew was sleeping inside. Then another neighbor says he saw a drone overflying all of our farms 2 days ago....:mad:
Who do you think it is?
fucking sucks.. You in a legal state? I've not worried about it much here because of it being legal. Good luck..
Most of the neighbors around my farm are much larger growers than me. If they were to hit one of them it would be a huge score. I am actually the small guy. Being legal just makes them bolder. Everyone is now at DEFCON 1.....
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We've got Bald Faced Hornets here, roughly twice as big as a standard Yellow Jacket ~ they have a very bad attitude and the ass to back it up!

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Oh yes. We have them too. Perhaps you missed my post 2 weeks ago where one crash landed through my window whilst driving and tagged me a couple times in the back. I'm a fucking bee magnet.
Most of the neighbors around my farm are much larger growers than me. If they were to hit one of them it would be a huge score. I am actually the small guy. Being legal just makes them bolder. Everyone is now at DEFCON 1.....
Tree squirrel season opened the 12th. I've seen Hmong's wearing ghillie suits when hunting them. Seems a little over the top to me, but who knows. They take their whole families out in the woods.
Cali is and rippers don't know who's legal they aren't checking paperwork
You misunderstood. Your cannabis cultivation operation in CA is illegal. I was responding to your claim that being legal makes them bolder. That won't be an issue for you because your grow isn't legal.
so you are 100% legal in everything you do pablo?...you have never exceeded the posted speed limit and not been caught? Ever?...What a hypocrite you are....and a troll
I sometimes exceed the speed limit. While I certainly understand your need to point the finger elsewhere, my driving habits are not comparable to having an ongoing illegal grow operation in California.

If I'm given a speeding ticket, it only affects me. You're illegal grow op refuses to provide the compensation and rights every other legal grower provides. There's a reason you do that. It's called greed.
I sometimes exceed the speed limit. While I certainly understand your need to point the finger elsewhere, my driving habits are not comparable to having an ongoing illegal grow operation in California.

If I'm given a speeding ticket, it only affects me. You're illegal grow op refuses to provide the compensation and rights every other legal grower provides. There's a reason you do that. It's called greed.
speeding risks the lives of everyone on the road, it kills people every day.....illegal pot? not so much. You are much more of a risk to public safety with your admitted willful disregard of posted safety rules on the road, than I am with a little too much weed. You are a danger to us all.