What did you accomplish today?

Good call and more disciplined than I would have been
I’ll give this a try and when I have a better understanding of what’s going on with each part of the process . Then I will consider other techniques but for now I need to just follow the instructions to see if I can repeat the results others have gotten. I’ve been adventurous in trying new things this year, with the whole covid thing I figure if not now then maybe never.
I’ll give this a try and when I have a better understanding of what’s going on with each part of the process . Then I will consider other techniques but for now I need to just follow the instructions to see if I can repeat the results others have gotten. I’ve been adventurous in trying new things this year, with the whole covid thing I figure if not now then maybe never.

You'd get a kick out of my neighbor. Old timer...I think finally slowing down. He was probably one badass mf'er! LOL
So he's got this shed.....about 15' x 20'. I asked him once why he had a motor on the side with a hydraulic pump attached.....he smiled and opend the door. It's his "apple shack"! Wash station, conveyor up to a macerator, that drops down on a trough, then under a fruit press. Apples only touch stainless or maple wood......haha pretty slick! I missed the actual pressing day, since I was out of town. But I did about 30 gal of hard cyder and apple wine from that press that year with him and another guy a few years back...one had the trees, he had the press and I fermented, we all split it....think I still have a few bottles of wine ;)
I had a Silver Fox greet me at the shop this morning.
Man, was it fast! (blow it up & look behind the van to the left).

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It looks pretty scrawny but that's his/her summer coat.
Foxes are special. I was at a wake For a loved one last fall, took a moment to step out by myself, and was greeted by a Fox just sitting in the driveway. First time in 36 years I’d seen a fox in the area. Maybe it was the spirit of the person who had passed
yeah, 250k of them....

think the overpass in Austin has around 2m there...the cave one they say about a million plus come out at one time in a tornado effect, and you can also see them on radar during the news, but the total colony is close to 20 to 30mil in the cave.......according to some reports....
Hopefully there is no such thing as Texas style batsoup
Installed the dimmer switch for the lights, spent more time trying to find the breaker than changing out the switch. They used the push in connectors on the back of the switch so I had to cut them and bend them for the new switch or I would have changed it hot. There are 3 breakers that handle different parts of the kitchen, I'll figure out which one it was tomorrow and mark it.