What did you accomplish today?

Last light is tacked into the ceiling, found a couple wires I have no idea why they ran them where they did. I did NOT find them with the sabre saw at least, missed them by a couple inches. I think they are 220 lines running to the dryer and AC. I installed one of the lights permanently that is adjusted to the color we want. The middle one is where the switch feed goes in and the other 2 have to be wired to that one. There are push on Wago connectors in there, but not enough slots to put all the wires into so I have to cut them off and use wire nuts, not enough room for both of them.
I'll finish up the wiring and light temp adjustments tomorrow.
Bacon cheeseburgers for dinner, buds and suds in a moment.
You got any fancy cock rings?

Perhaps one of these would fit your "fancy".
Dancing Chicken animated emoticon

See the source image

See the source image

Vintage Pewter Rooster Napkin Ring Holders Set of 10Approximate Dimensions 2.5 x 4Free shipping on orders over $35.See all my available listings at relovedhomedesigns.etsy.com. Liquor Glasses, Wine And Liquor, Picture Table, China Cabinet Display, Art Deco Vanity, Crystal Champagne, Vintage Sideboard, Ring Holders, Hand Painting Art
Last night in the hot gale (90 degrees at 1am) a fence panel blew out. I was out there at sunup driving nails and screws into whatever purchase I could find in the spongy ancient wood of the fence. I went to open the gate from the outside, have to reach over the top to get the latch, and felt a little sting.

I walked through the house to inspect the inside of the fence and found this nest. Much death spraying ensued. Good fucking morning RIU.

The building of the chiller begins. I ordered a controller and that will be here tomorrow. I have a roll of 3/8" soft copper that I am going to use for the coil...Should work better than the plastic / PVC I originally envisioned...won't kink and will stay colder longer. I read submersing the coil in water is even better. Plus I already have it on hand!! I just checked my pump to make sure it could push water through the coil. No problem there. The hardest part is going to be coiling the copper small enough to fit in the fridge.

And the aero is ready for set up...I had to replace some nozzles, but that's done. About ready to fill and the clones are hungry for some food!

And I have a couple girls bothering me to rent them my empty apartment...but I don't have a good feeling about it. Just a little too anxious.
The building of the chiller begins. I ordered a controller and that will be here tomorrow. I have a roll of 3/8" soft copper that I am going to use for the coil...Should work better than the plastic / PVC I originally envisioned...won't kink and will stay colder longer. I read submersing the coil in water is even better. Plus I already have it on hand!! I just checked my pump to make sure it could push water through the coil. No problem there. The hardest part is going to be coiling the copper small enough to fit in the fridge.

And the aero is ready for set up...I had to replace some nozzles, but that's done. About ready to fill and the clones are hungry for some food!

And I have a couple girls bothering me to rent them my empty apartment...but I don't have a good feeling about it. Just a little too anxious.

Google "build a wort chiller coil" I put a valve on the end of mine....it holds the water back a bit and allows it to exchange heat better. I was able to cool the wort faster with a valve. I'm sure it will help with chilling it the same.
Google "build a wort chiller coil" I put a valve on the end of mine....it holds the water back a bit and allows it to exchange heat better. I was able to cool the wort faster with a valve. I'm sure it will help with chilling it the same.
I was thinking a valve might be a good idea! I'll add one. This soft copper I have is some older thick walled stuff....Heading out now to attempt and coil it around a 5g bucket. I think there's 40-50' of the stuff. And it's free!!!