What did you accomplish today?

I've learned to let it go.
You need to step on a flaming Lego, barefoot.

It doesn't need to be flaming.

...early morning groggy...need caffeine....

Got ripped out of a 2 hour, half sleep by moms dingy bell.

Got mom up, fed & med'd her, let the dog out, made a coffee but it's too sweet.

Stumbled into the grow porch and opened the tent door.

Now I'm sitting here, debating whether or not to go remake the coffee or just dump some and add more cream.

Brain not braining.

Here's a Haiku

I'm fucking awake
My coffee is bad today
I want to suck dick

The stress of being a 24/7/365 caregiver is eating my soul. I love my mom and this is just a morning bítchy moment but Jesus Christ, a 5 year dry spell has to fuck with a person's brain chemicals or something.

I'd directly state I need to get fucked but them the universe would listen and misinterpret my statement and I'd get fucked in a bad way, so I'll keep that thoughtto myself.

About to write my plant update.......after I fix my coffee.

See y'all soon.
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OK, so I am definitely headed to the grocery store this am....I ate a piece of leftover steak for dinner last night, and not sure if it was that or the 3 pieces of chocolate pudding pie with cool whip that made me wake up at 5 am in puking mode...Now that I say it, it was the pie...I got nauseous again just saying "pie".
You need to step on a flaming Lego, barefoot.

It doesn't need to be flaming.

...early morning groggy...need caffeine....

Got ripped out of a 2 hour, half sleep by moms dingy bell.

Got mom up, fed & med'd her, let the dog out, made a coffee but it's too sweet.

Stumbled into the grow porch and opened the tent door.

Now I'm sitting here, debating whether or not to go remake the coffee or just dump some and add more cream.

Brain not braining.

Here's a Haiku

I'm fucking awake
My coffee is bad today
I want to suck dick

The stress of being a 24/7/365 caregiver is eating my soul. I love my mom and this is just a morning bítchy moment but Jesus Christ, a 5 year dry spell has to fuck with a person's brain chemicals or something.

I'd directly state I need to get fucked but them the universe would listen and misinterpret my statement and I'd get fucked in a bad way, so I'll keep that thoughtto myself.

About to write my plant update.......after I fix my coffee.

See y'all soon.


Well I was supposed to rearrange my plants and fix the lights above them and put over my net trellis and scrog now and put a exhaust fan in the seedling section part of my grow tent and I didn't do none of that because my girlfriend came over and we watched shows together she was supposed to go out of town to visit her mother but it got canceled
Soooo you didn't accomplish anything today? Lol, just kiddin'.
Ordered a new graphics card for the first time since my 512mb 9800GT which is no longer cutting it.
First time I kinda buy something for myself with company money. I did go for an older model though to just get basic functionality again without spending a fortune. Next I need to replace the whole rest of the PC, but at least I got this half done.

I can't fucking wait to play not in ultra-low settings mode