What did you accomplish today?

I have a friend that had an issue with the driver's side door panel in her new 733i BMW. She took it in to get it fixed and they kept breaking bigger and bigger things until she ended up getting a new car from them! Fingers crossed you don't have that experience.

I wouldn't say no to a 2020 crv. I like the new burled wood accents better than what I have and it has wireless phone charging now.

Ask them to pay 1/2 the cost of the tire for that, besides the new rim. They should pay for you having to come especially now.

It's a midas shop, not sure if you have them down there. They were pretty fair, I mean they could have said nothing and I probably would have driven away without noticing. They offered to go get the rim and do the swap but I told them I want it done at the dealer. Downtown Honda is close to my house, unfortunately I have to go back to Scarborough to get reimbursed.

And buy her a god damned lunch, a good one. Get ready to savage them on Yelp and stuff too

A&W onion rings and root beer please.
I wouldn't say no to a 2020 crv. I like the new burled wood accents better than what I have and it has wireless phone charging now.

It's a midas shop, not sure if you have them down there. They were pretty fair, I mean they could have said nothing and I probably would have driven away without noticing. They offered to go get the rim and do the swap but I told them I want it done at the dealer. Downtown Honda is close to my house, unfortunately I have to go back to Scarborough to get reimbursed.

A&W onion rings and root beer please.
A&W root beer is actually owned by a different entity than the restaurants, and the restaurants actually no longer have any interest in the beverage brand.
To be fair to the garage, they told me right away that it wrecked the rim. I'm buying the new rim from Honda and having the dealership install it and they're going to reimburse me. I take really good care of my stuff, I don't try to parallel park or park close to other people at stores... This car is a 2019 with less than 8,000km and other than some salt stains on the drivers side carpet it's completely mint, not a scratch or dent anywhere inside or out and should last me another decade easily. I gotta dig up a pic of my first car. My parents ancient volvo v90 with a billion kilometres. I couldn't afford maintenance so I just didn't do it and drove that thing till the doors practically fell off.

enjoy your ride.

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Get a lawyer. Nice vehicle.
A&W root beer is actually owned by a different entity than the restaurants, and the restaurants actually no longer have any interest in the beverage brand.

I didn't know that. They still serve A&W root beer in the frozen mugs, at least they did when you could dine in.

Get a lawyer. Nice vehicle.

That's too aggressive of a maneuver for me. As long as they reimburse me on Friday I'll be happy.
Good evening and hopeful good health to all. I found out the Vietnamese market was open. And I had the place to myself. Made spicy ginger and garlic Yakatori, chicken on a stick, with a bulgoggi, Korean BBQ, meets teriyaki. So I accomplished rendering any possibility of accomplishing anything past Al Bundy impression for sometime. Love Asian food.

Be safe people. 001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg