What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday a black racer between 4-5’ was about that close to my front door when the wife went out and she never saw it but she saw me and asked, so I told her the truth. “ it won’t hurt you honey but it will make you hurt yourself “ I don’t like to kill them I said ,,, I don’t mind she said,,,,,, run you bastard run for your life. Ne’s usually in the back but look like he was chasing a chipmunk who was probably trying to get inside to get away.

At aero know.... do you have an arthritic conditions , my finger nails look just like yours and my rumotalijest said I had psycho some kinda bs arthritis that gives me fits with my feet and elbows ...... I’m in a shit load of pain now ,,,, if you have had it checked great if not than get it checked but ask Annie frist,
Reptiles and my wife are a no-go. She has a phobia from when she was little and other kids chased her with walnut worms.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday a black racer between 4-5’ was about that close to my front door when the wife went out and she never saw it but she saw me and asked, so I told her the truth. “ it won’t hurt you honey but it will make you hurt yourself “ I don’t like to kill them I said ,,, I don’t mind she said,,,,,, run you bastard run for your life. Ne’s usually in the back but look like he was chasing a chipmunk who was probably trying to get inside to get away.

At aero know.... do you have an arthritic conditions , my finger nails look just like yours and my rumotalijest said I had psycho some kinda bs arthritis that gives me fits with my feet and elbows ...... I’m in a shit load of pain now ,,,, if you have had it checked great if not than get it checked but ask Annie frist,
Im def gonna have arthritis bro. But have an excuse.
Started the day transplanting 48 plants from 5x5’s to 5gal pots. I was playing in dirt all day. Moved allot of dirt also on the tractor. Also built these three raised beds and filled them with some bomb ass soil. Not sure when i dirtied my fingernails but it’s like i could have done it any day this week lol.

We got all kinds of fruits and veggie starts(has to be organic because my hippie daughter)


Well-Known Member
Neat. It does look like he got a little bit more stretch than normal, but I didn't read the entire thread, was more looking at the photos. I'm only on my fifth grow and still learning lots, so I'm not ready to start experimenting with things I don't fully understand yet. Any place that I can save time or money really appeal to me tho.
Although he was able to shorten flower times by a few days, I dont think there is much money to be saved by doing it, reason being the schedule needs more sq. ft. to produce an equal amount of bud, space is expensive. Still he was over 1g/w wich some struggle with even using todays leds. I think 8/10 would be interisting to see though.