What did you accomplish today?


Ursus marijanus
@Bobby schmeckle your boat looks way easier to transport than my old bass raider.
Here's a pic from the internet (not mine).
View attachment 4542117
It was very stable and tracked way better than my flat aluminum boat.
But it was heavy and hard to maneuver & load into the truck by myself. (I preferred to fish alone most of the time.)
“I’ve got a trolling rig and I know how to use it!”


Well-Known Member
Sorry to break your chain. Actually prejudiced on distillates. Clear only for me. And the only rooster involved better be mine. But a little recap of having done something positive today. Drove 30+ miles with my boy to friends family blueberry farm. Got two 30 gal. totes full of well seasoned berry bush mulch and a rooted cutting for the kid to raise. Stopped at a couple I know in their mid 70's going home. Glad we did. Boy mowed their lawn and burned the trash while I got our Tp and made a store run for them. Gave them an Oz. Although I think the milk and TP were more appreciated. Check in on people. You ever know. Got another 30 gal tote of starter mix by cleaning the floor under another friends tray filling conveyor in their greenhouses. So we are ready to plant 1440 gift plants for donation. Also found homes for 3 lemon tree saplings and planted the berry bush. "HAPPY EARTH DAY!" Hope you planted something.


Well-Known Member
Found some TP today, it's even our brand and didn't have to leave town to get it. Stocked up on beer to reduce my time in the store. Picked up the wife's meds and filled up for $2.39 a gallon. Not a brand name gas station, but whatever. I should go pull more weeds, but they will be there tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Found some TP today, it's even our brand and didn't have to leave town to get it. Stocked up on beer to reduce my time in the store. Picked up the wife's meds and filled up for $2.39 a gallon. Not a brand name gas station, but whatever. I should go pull more weeds, but they will be there tomorrow.
Second store this week had a full stock of tp. Brand name this time. Gas came up from $1.29 to $1.49. Just need to find ISO and have a reasonably priced dirt monger open up again.


Well-Known Member
Found some TP today, it's even our brand and didn't have to leave town to get it. Stocked up on beer to reduce my time in the store. Picked up the wife's meds and filled up for $2.39 a gallon. Not a brand name gas station, but whatever. I should go pull more weeds, but they will be there tomorrow.
Pulled a couple junipers still have 3-4 more. Heard a humming hird. Spring is on bitches but I feel like we got at least one more snow, probably on mother's day.


Well-Known Member
I cooked.... fried pork chops, Lima beans and Mac & Cheese .......jalapeño cornbread. Sorry I didn’t take a picture but it was good, the best pork chops I’ve ever cooked.

Rain and storms all day and now I’m thinking early bedtime. I’m bored af and don’t want to watch tv any more.
Must be the storms that came through earlier and more to come tonight. Tornado touched down close to where my little one lives. Not like same neighborhood but relatively. Close enough. We are under a watch right now throughout the night.