What did you accomplish today?

Oh yeah, i guess i’m gonna be a grandpa in 5-6 months? Convinced my kid to move up around here from santa barbara. Moms still in san jose way too fucking expensive. Hooking dude up with an apprenticeship union hvac job.
Well not really “hooking him up” but leading the way.
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@raratt i’m getting very worried about the lack of rain man. What the fuck is up? Right back into drought. Possible rain starting next sunday? Wtf?
We're looking at breaking a record set in 1852 for the driest Jan/Feb on the books. It isn't good, but at least we have some holdover water in the reservoirs from last year. Highly unlikely we'll make the season average.
I don’t want to get all political and shit, shouldn’t have to with this, but i’m afraid for the next generation of kids. The world is getting hot i shit you not. (Dana Carvey squatting monkeys, in Al Gore impersonation) :-( i just don’t understand the lack of progress on the matter especially with everything that’s constantly in front of us. Trumps administration is the fucking devil! Something needs to change. Please vote this november people. That is of course unless you think everythings all good and your god is going to save you.

end of rant. Not sorry.
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@curious2garden @doublejj and all you wiser heads on here i didn’t mention....
Could you please give me some words of encouragement? I’m super scared. Really.
I’m usually the one saying it’s all good. It will all work out, blah blah blah. I’m genuinely worried.
:hug: One way or another it all works out. :hug: Oh yeah and send that sativa you're smoking to me.
Love you Aero
Hey! I am guilty of smoking some of that bud along with drinking. Yup. Pretty much the only time i post on here anymore, so it’s me. The real me!
Europe is talking about damming up the red sea. Wtf are we even proposing?
I need to finish quilting my grand daughter's quilt. She's a month old and I have 1 quilt and a receiving blanket set to finish. I'm considering giving her directions so she can finish it herself.