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You're not alone. I'm not a fan of the giant duck lips either.
Image result for Tons of makeup meme

Image result for Tons of makeup meme

Image result for Tons of makeup meme
Tons of makeup = a few possibilities, most likely is plain ol' insecurity.

Not the worst obstacle to overcome.

Ever dated a chick who is genuinely bat shit crazy and you're lucky you got out of the relationship without being killed or going to jail?
(asking for a friend :roll:)

I have. She threatened to kill me and my mom. She stalked me for a few months before I was able to disappear.

That bitch was crazy in bed too... in a good way. Lol

Did I tell you a few yrs back I fucked up and got a dui, the teacher in class kept giving me shit about smelling like weed. Said because it’s a drug treatment facility you can’t smell like weed even if you’re not high. Brand new change of clothes before going, nope didn’t solve the problem. Axe body spray and ozium all over me, nope.
it was my fucking hat! Lol. As if it weren’t bad enough having to sit there a few hrs with a bad back, but it was super stressful dealing with her complaining threatening to kick me out.
My sons boss kept commenting on the smell of weed. He doesn't smoke and couldn't figure out where the odor was coming from. And he did the same thing as you - clean clothes, body spray, you name it.

It was his goddamn shoes! My trim bin had been previously knocked off the table and spilled into his new sneakers and when warmed from body heat, they stunk!

I only trim in the cave now. :oops: