I made my own cigs for about 5 yrs...buy tobacco leaf off a Virginia tobacco farmer.......derib it, shred it, inject it
Use PG (propylene glycol), heat it in microwave about 30 seconds power level 5 (of 10)//////
take menthol crystals, crush it up with mortar and pestle, add menthol powder to warmed up pg, stir
liquid menthol
a few drops of liq menthol on tobacco shake (the fine powder from a dry leaf shredded) stir it up with fingers
CAUTION: if ya gotta take a pee in the midst of all this WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY....if not..........frozen pecker
been there
one tiny pinch of mentholated shake in center of cig....better then Newports, no 3000 additives, and its not nasty pipe tobacco