What did you accomplish today?

Went downstairs to deliver an oz. to a custie, so I decided to get a couple of 12 packs of root beer out of my car. There was white slush all over the back seat near the 12 packs, which confused my brain. Did someone break a window? How did frozen slush get inside of my car? Then I realized that some of the cans froze and one just exploded, the bottom of the can just shot out and spilled its contents. I guess it did get down to like 9f degrees, stupid to have left them in the car, but I couldn't carry them up because I had too many bags of groceries. On the plus side, it was super easy to clean up, I simply brushed the frozen mess out onto the ground. No stains or anything. IOW, it's fucking cold here in Chi-town...
Its that time of year again. My niece dropped off 2 gallons of scallops. I just finished repacking them for the freezer and whipped up some seafood chowder with scallops, haddock, and lobstah.
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I was going to sit and trim tonight but after peeling 10lbs of potatos I can barely feel my hands. Sooo worth it though. I wish I could hand y'all a big ole bowl.
That looks amazing..
I get the feeling he would be a hoot to fish with.
I make an annual pilgrimage to Arkansas & always make fishing a priority.
I haven't caught a Brown larger than 9 lbs but I'm working on it.
Disclaimer: Not me in the photo but . . . DAMN !

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Sweet jayzus. Jack Nicholson was right, the bastard.

I can’t handle the troot.