What did you accomplish today?


Ursus marijanus
I snagged tickets today to see the Joker on Monday. Joaquin Phoenix and Robert De Niro will be here for tiff, it would be cool to catch a glimpse of them at the theater.

lol saw that on the news. I don't know how they could tell they were cannabis plants from that far away. Just looked like bushes.
Their cameras aren't limited to the visible spectrum. In IR and near UV, not many other plants look like weed. Iirc.
Locally they have a Cessna with an underwing camera pod. They fly patterns day in and day out ... weed hunt is the go-to reason. Growing outdoors is a lot riskier now than 10 years ago.
And while weed is legal in CA, it isn't federally. A big weed patch is still worthwhile to make those big mediagenic arrests that keep the Cessna pilot in gas and donuts.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Their cameras aren't limited to the visible spectrum. In IR and near UV, not many other plants look like weed. Iirc.
Locally they have a Cessna with an underwing camera pod. They fly patterns day in and day out ... weed hunt is the go-to reason. Growing outdoors is a lot riskier now than 10 years ago.
And while weed is legal in CA, it isn't federally. A big weed patch is still worthwhile to make those big mediagenic arrests that keep the Cessna pilot in gas and donuts.
The cost of enforcement must outweigh any benefit they'd get from fines and property seizure. They do a similar thing here where they use small airplanes for speed enforcement on the 407 toll highway.

I don't think it was any special cameras in this case. "We received information thanks to the images that individuals posted on social media that had been taken from the helicopter of La Vuelta," a police spokesperson told ESPN."


Well-Known Member
My wife's first colonoscopy ended up with a punctured colon and a trip to the emergency room. 1 in 10,000 chance, and it has to happen to her. She also stopped breathing in recovery, scared the shit out of me.
8 weeks after my daughter was born Mrs DD thought she would get back to horse training. She came off a thoroughbred in full galllop hard and end up in a 8 week induced coma. Dr’s told me it would 50/50 if she had brain damage or not. Scariest most stressful time of my life! I remember crying a lot and telling her I’m fucking useless without her whilst she was comatose a lot. I was also thinking I am not responsible enough to look after this little girl by myself. Turns out I was because I pretty much spent the next 5 months looking after both of them, whilst she recovered.
They doctors told me she made a full recovery.
She was a clean freak before the accident as in everything had to be tidy, after the accident she has always struggled to clean weird!


Well-Known Member
I did a lot of stuff yesterday, cut grass, yard work, cleaned 4 vehicles, paid all the bills, moved some money around for taxes at the end of this month, helped get a thread deleted and other stuff. Lol.

So today, for as far back as I can remember, I didn't do a fucking thing.

Well, I did look through jibber jabber thread looking for an old pic I posted in 2014-15. Couldn't find it, but it was like going back in time for an hour. We lost a lot of people over the years but they're probably not dead or anything.

I miss a few of them though, never know when they could pop back in I guess.


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benefit they'd get from fines and property seizure.
A lot of the grows they bust around here are on National Forest lands and are backed by the cartels. They use all kinds of banned and highly toxic chemicals to keep the critters away. They'll dam up creeks and basically live with the plants until harvest time and leave all the irrigation pipe, empty chemical bottles, and their trash from living in the woods all summer.


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A lot of the grows they bust around here are on National Forest lands and are backed by the cartels. They use all kinds of banned and highly toxic chemicals to keep the critters away. They'll dam up creeks and basically live with the plants until harvest time and leave all the irrigation pipe, empty chemical bottles, and their trash from living in the woods all summer.
I've seen programs about this on the tube - damn disgusting is what it is!


Well-Known Member
There's a plane with a big ass equipment pod under it that fly's in our area, every year in the fall.
It used to be a single engine plane with a pilot and a spotter but now it's high tech and if you're shit is spotted then a heli with a bunch of dudes wearing black show up. My cuz is narcotics officer and will tell me all kinds of stories when I bump into him, he also suggest we get together for BBQ but I never do....is that rude of me.


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UAVGH000 is a Global Hawk...I was incorrect.
LOL it had to happen once!

There's a plane with a big ass equipment pod under it that fly's in our area, every year in the fall.
It used to be a single engine plane with a pilot and a spotter but now it's high tech and if you're shit is spotted then a heli with a bunch of dudes wearing black show up. My cuz is narcotics officer and will tell me all kinds of stories when I bump into him, he also suggest we get together for BBQ but I never do....is that rude of me.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your friend and hope they make a full recovery.
My doctors aren't really sure what's wrong with me. Hopefully this will shed some light on the situation.
I've already been diagnosed with acid reflux (GERD) which puts me at higher risk for esophagus cancer.
And my grandmother died of stomach cancer, which isn't comforting.

Don't even get me started on the badness at the other end of my digestive system. :shock:

Getting old sucks.
Your symptoms sound similar to mine. I had to go outside the western medical system to begin finding releif, but I also had to return to it to hopefully resolve it
I am not on any perscription medications and the doctor I am seeing crosses over into alternative medicine. I did not find this with past doctors as I have been struggling with what the dr is calling malabsobtion. Really need blood and stool analyses availble to the weatern side to determine an apropriate treatment. I interpret it as my intestines are not working effeciently and releasing the tension from tight muscles in my back and hips (it band too) affects the alignment and operation of the intestines.

Yoga, cupping, accupuncture, massage, and digestive suppliments (slippery elm, marshmallow root, zinc carnisine, glutamine, and some microorganisims). Its a long list but I feel better now than I have in years, I have struggled with digestive issues since gerd diagnosis in my 20s, and though I may have gerd it is not was not what has caused my greatest degree of intestinal discomfort.