What did you accomplish today?

I built a ramp for my aging babies to make it easier for them to get up on the bed. I just need to put some carpet on it. I'm going to put a couple shelves to hold bed linen as well. Can't be wasting any space. I didn't use a plan I just had an idea in my head but it turned out alright. Right now they have to jump on a chest and then jump on the bed. I'm worried about their bones and joints as they get older. And yes, our dogs sleep on the bed with me and my lady.

I built a ramp for my aging babies to make it easier for them to get up on the bed. I just need to put some carpet on it. I'm going to put a couple shelves to hold bed linen as well. Can't be wasting any space. I didn't use a plan I just had an idea in my head but it turned out alright. Right now they have to jump on a chest and then jump on the bed. I'm worried about their bones and joints as they get older. And yes, our dogs sleep on the bed with me and my lady.

we took our bed off the frame and put the foundation and mattress directly on the floor when we had a dog with a bad leg. I also rebuilt my back steps to a short rise step so each step was only 4" high.....I feel you.....nice work
I have a thing where I don't post/comment on a thread until I am fully caught up and current. I got way behind in here. I was only 1200+ posts from catching up and then another few days away and it sent me back to page 1. Fahk! This week I got tired of not getting to play along.

Catching up: sympathies to 420, chunky, aero and I know I'm missing lots. Congrats to anc's new business, raratt's year here, laughing grass's home improvements, aero's restart, jj harvesting the motherload and countless bdays, anniversaries and life/work achievements.

Love tnt and this thread. Screenshot_2019-05-29-21-19-10-1(1).png
Little man had his tonsils/adenoids and lip tie(minimal) removed.

Soon as he woke up he wanted his cars and to get down from the bed.

Didn't miss a beat. Eating, drinking and carrying on like nothing happened. Day 5 tomorrow, which i hear is the worst.

Couple doctors said they've never heard a 2 1/2yo talk so much and clearly as he does. Gets it from his momma for sure.
She does enough talking for the three of us.

Sup fuckers.:leaf:
Lol, yours too..

Good to hear the little one is doing good..

Dooood it doesn't matter what I'm doing, even sleeping, like last night she woke me up at 4am to tell me about her swollen toe. She had a pedicure that hurt and apparently worth waking me up for.

Of course i couldn't go back to sleep. Right after watching stipe take the title back at midnight from that obese, Carl Winslow looking, Daniel eye poke cormier.