What did you accomplish today?

I made it until noon before I smoked anything. Been up since 6 watching the rain.
The Mrs rolled gg4 joint for me, I wiped ex cheese hash oil on it and rolled it in purple kush and bubbas gift kief.
When I was young I hated when I got sleepy when smoking. Stupid kid.
Whoo hooo nap time, try to keep it down in here until I get back :bigjoint:
I thought you were gonna be here to watch the kids. I have to take one of my dogs to the dentist to get his teeth cleaned. God only knows what they will be up to.

Question would it be wrong of me to take the dog's dentist some pot?
The "new to me" couch is nappable, a little narrower than my old one but it isn't falling apart like the old one. The garbage people came at about 5:30 this morning to pick up the old one, love hearing the backup beeper at that time of day...
Insurance guy showed up this morning, seems to be moving forward on getting me my settlement. I'll get my baby towed Mon to go get fixed.