What did you accomplish today?


I love stamps.

Now I'm going to have to dig out my stamp collection I haven't checked out in 3 years.

I don't have one of these.
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The famous inverted plane Air Mail stamp.

When I was a kid, Life magazine had a little piece about the most valuable pound for pound substances on earth.

The inverted air mail stamp was it.

(Of course a whole pound of them doesn't exist or you could pay off the national debt.)
Besides my grandpas canteen, I also evacuated with his stamp books they used to pass the time in the VA when they came home after Japan surrendered. Almost a whole year in the hospital from being treated so badly over there while having been POW for almost the whole US involvement in the war, all the fucking shit they went through over there including being death marched. Then hospital here for such bad TB. Crazy shit!

So anyways, after then later volunteering and serving in the Korean war and many years after still serving in the military, he became a postman for many years until he retired. I only remember the retired years where he was still receiving stamps in the mail to put into the big ass collection books. 3 big ass binders! He always had promised them to me and grandma kicked them down after his death.

I’ve never had them looked at, and would of course never sale them, but would love to know the value of them. Gotta have them looked at some time by a professional.

Lemme know if you want me to share some pics of them online here ;-)
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Besides my grandpas canteen, I also evacuated with his stamp books they used to pass the time in the VA when they came home after Japan surrendered. Almost a whole year in the hospital from being treated so badly over there AFTER having been POW for almost the whole US involvement in the war, all the fucking shit they went through over there including being death marched. Then hospital here for such bad TB. Crazy shit!

So anyways, after then later volunteering and serving in the Korean war and many years after still serving in the military, he became a postman for many years until he retired. I only remember the retired years where he was still receiving stamps in the mail to put into the big ass collection books. 3 big ass binders! He always had promised them to me and grandma kicked them down after his death.

I’ve never had them looked at, and would of course never sale them, but would love to know the value of them. Gotta have them looked at some time by a professional.

Lemme know if you want me to share some pics of them online here ;-)

Everybody likes looking at cool collectables bro, post 'em up when you get time.
Corbin in Hollister will put a seat on anything. (at least they use to.)
Hey dude!

I forgot to get back to you and tell you the outboard on the pontoon is good. Fired it up, and appears to run just fine.

But would you believe it took $1700 worth of new plastic to make it right again? Jesus christ!

I finally pressure washed the boat down and just like with the jet sled, i’m fucking pissed off but amazed how many more fucking burns there are from embers than I thought there was. Way more damage :-(

Going to take out the newly named boat, FV-Survivor, previously named FV-Trollitup, out for a test drive next week on the lake here. Hoping there’s no other problems with it, and to catch some kings too :hump:
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Hey dude!

I forgot to get back to you and tell you the outboard on the pontoon is good. Fired it up, and appears to run just fine.

But would you believe it took $1700 worth of new plastic to make it right again? Jesus christ!

I finally pressure washed the boat down and just like the with the jet sled, i’m fucking pissed off but amazed how many more fucking burns there are from embers than I thought there was. Way more damage :-(

Going to take out the newly named boat, FV-Survivor, previously named FV-Trollitup, out for a test drive next week on the lake here. Hoping there’s no other problems with it, and to catch some kings too :hump:

I want to say It's the German like quality, apparently they do too!:lol:

You pouring this weekend? It's not too hot.
I want to say It's the German like quality, apparently they do too!:lol:

You pouring this weekend? It's not too hot.
Next saturday.

Got inspection monday, then gotta tare shit up to put some plumbing in, fix that and will be 100% ready.

I’ve only been able to pour on saturdays because my badass concrete buddy works during the week :-(

After this pour, it’s fucking on though bro! No more waiting for anybody. It’s all on me. Can’t wait to start framing!

Oh, and next saturday is supposed to be a bit better temp wise so that’s kinda cool(er) :-)
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Tomorrow it’s rebar time!

Almost a whole ton of rebar. Can’t wait! My back hurts already, but can’t wait lol.

I built forms in Denver right out of high school, lasted 5 days before my back said fuck this!
Found my calling drilling and blasting underground, still back breaking, but the excitement of potential death provided the Adrenalin to block it out.:dunce:

Work smart, you'll want to be able to launch that boat later in life.:) And I might wanna fish!
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I built forms in Denver right out of high school, lasted 5 days before my back said fuck this!
I’ve done ALLOT of tying, but overhead. We tie allot of metal lath to our suspended ceilings. You get the scaffold height right and after your arms go through the “burning” phase, i’d usually be good to go tying overhead all day for sometimes weeks at a time.

But bending over is what hurts me with my back condition i got nowadays. It is why i’m also doing it tomorrow(saturday) because of my badass concrete buddy :-D

Me and Rudy spent the last 2 days spreading and compacting 6 inches of 3/4- gravel base. 2000 sqft. My back is not doing so great right now.
and the new idiot award goes too.......

wait for it...

this asshat......


just can't fix stupid....

I worked in a big bank in h/s & once this dude came into the drive through, put a box into the teller's drawer - tells her "it's a bomb, fill up the drawer with cash". :shock:
She says (whilst shoving the drawer back out) "there's no room, take out the box" which he does & she and the other gal promptly drop to the floor behind the bullet proof glass & hit the alarm. The dude clipped the curb & got a flat when he attempted his get away so he ditched the car & ran off.
Problem was it's his car . . . with his license plate - he was an easy one to catch as well. :roll:
I really want to find a seat like this for my trike.....
I worked in a big bank in h/s & once this dude came into the drive through, put a box into the teller's drawer - tells her "it's a bomb, fill up the drawer with cash". :shock:
She says (whilst shoving the drawer back out) "there's no room, take out the box" which he does & she and the other gal promptly drop to the floor behind the bullet proof glass & hit the alarm. The dude clipped the curb & got a flat when he attempted his get away so he ditched the car & ran off.
Problem was it's his car . . . with his license plate - he was an easy one to catch as well. :roll:

just goes to show you can't fix stupid.......people just don't think things through i suppose...
Besides my grandpas canteen, I also evacuated with his stamp books they used to pass the time in the VA when they came home after Japan surrendered. Almost a whole year in the hospital from being treated so badly over there while having been POW for almost the whole US involvement in the war, all the fucking shit they went through over there including being death marched. Then hospital here for such bad TB. Crazy shit!

So anyways, after then later volunteering and serving in the Korean war and many years after still serving in the military, he became a postman for many years until he retired. I only remember the retired years where he was still receiving stamps in the mail to put into the big ass collection books. 3 big ass binders! He always had promised them to me and grandma kicked them down after his death.

I’ve never had them looked at, and would of course never sale them, but would love to know the value of them. Gotta have them looked at some time by a professional.

Lemme know if you want me to share some pics of them online here ;-)
Please post them in their own thread. I would like to be able to easily go back to look at them. So post em up as you get time, please.
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