What did you accomplish today?

And they don't help at all after taking all your stuff out of the car? that's nuts. I thought that was an old wives' tale.
Times were different back then. Like I said, we looked like hippies and back then cops hated hippies. I had taken my DD214(military discharge papers) as a precaution since I knew we'd go into Canada. That proved I wasn't a draft dodger lol. But, the cops would never apologise and probably figured they had had enough fun screwing with us.
Fin Shaggy :)
Got rid of all the tiny weeds in the pavers, I hope I don't die.

Before pavers, I used to use Clorox in a pressure sprayer but I can't be bleaching the color out of the pavers.

I miss that 'disinfected driveway' smell from the bleach that lasted a few hours. I still use it on poison ivy by the shed and in landscaping though.

My buddy got some glyphosate free weed killer a couple weeks ago for the same price. ($37 each for that Roundup) Didn't kill shit, 70% are still green and standing. He's pissed. I get a $10 or $15 coupon every month from the local building supply/garden store so I got a price break.

Them 'rounded up' weeds are definitely dead since yesterday, browned out big time.
Shovel/plow/sweep for hours.


You'll learn to hate it in nothing flat!

And don't be in a hurry and make your heart beat too fast. Take breaks in that -8° windchill.

I love it when blown snow blows back in your face and covers your safety glasses.

I think about being in Hawaii while I'm shoveling/blowing btw.
Got my spare room, mostly, cleaned and the AC in. Only been running a few minutes and it's already noticeably drier in here. It's a 14k btu going on its 4th year as the main unit. I also have a 5K for the basement. They both pretty much runs non stop from now until sometime in September. I'm hoping they hold up for one more season. My buddy is supposed to be bringing home a BIG portable unit, mid 30K btus, from his work, but they're dragging ass on the scrap out process . They were using it in their server room but recently upgraded to roof top units because it kept freezing up. My buddies the maintenance guy and says there's nothing wrong with it, people kept turning the T-Stat all the way down to 60, so it was working too hard because of the server heat. He said it ran fine if it was kept at 68-70. Seeing how I don't produce the same heat as a big server room, I'm thinking I can hook it into my old central AC duct work and do the whole house easily. Then the 14K gets dedicated to the grow.
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Got rid of all the tiny weeds in the pavers, I hope I don't die.

Before pavers, I used to use Clorox in a pressure sprayer but I can't be bleaching the color out of the pavers.

I miss that 'disinfected driveway' smell from the bleach that lasted a few hours. I still use it on poison ivy by the shed and in landscaping though.

My buddy got some glyphosate free weed killer a couple weeks ago for the same price. ($37 each for that Roundup) Didn't kill shit, 70% are still green and standing. He's pissed. I get a $10 or $15 coupon every month from the local building supply/garden store so I got a price break.

Them 'rounded up' weeds are definitely dead since yesterday, browned out big time.
Table/rock salt works for between bricks, etc and isn't cancerous... Unless you're in California:bigjoint: