What did you accomplish today?

I mixed up about 7 gallons of fish emulsion for my one outdoor plant for its first heavy feeding. Took almost 3 weeks for it to acclimate, it started flowering but it's back in veg and really taking off now that it's finally getting sunny and warm. I found mixing Alaska brand fish fertilizer(5-1-1) and Neptune's harvest fish(2-4-1), or fish and seaweed(2-3-1), at a 1:1 ratio, so 1/2oz each per gallon, gives about a 3-2-1 npk ratio and they really seem to like it in veg. I cut out the Alaska once they show flower and hit them with some langbeinite for the K. Then I doused it with a gallon of the compost tea I had brewing. After that I did the first cut on the lawn and used some of that for mulch around the plant. I'll hit that with the tea again later. I pretty much gave up on my garden this year. It was so cold and wet after I planted that nothing sprouted and most of my tomatoes died. All that's left are a bunch a squash and melon plants, maybe 8 sweet peppers and a few beans here and there. With our short season it's not really worth restarting now. I'm going to look in my seed stash for something that produces in under 2 months and can germinate at 90F. Lol.. Ya right. I tried starting lettuce this time of year once and it would bolt once it was 2-3" tall. I gotta go sharpen the mower blades, I caught a huge rock in a new part of the yard I'm clearing and I royally fucked them up, it was just smashing grass after that. It sucks cause I just put them on last year and they only have 2 or 3 mows on them. I'm good at making work for myself. :roll:
I don't have an extra parts car LOL although if I see another GT I might pick it up depending on the condition.

Now I'm off to the ball park to eat my weight in roasted peanuts.
Heaviest I was in the AF was 215 on Guam, way too much good food and stupid cheap beer. I can drop 10-15 pounds easy enough if I wanted to, I just don't want to at the moment. I just cut back on quantities I eat.
Stir-fry and green beans do the trick for me. Well they would if I would eat them. What I did was eat a big bowl before my regular food. That way you eat less of the calorie dense food.
I got in pretty early last night and got a full night's sleep. Got out, cut the okra and picked the squash before work this morning. Not enough time for anything else. So my Armenian cucumbers will be as big as my arm tonight when I get to them. Corn needs picking too. We already have a mess in the fridge, so. . . . . I guess I'll put some in the freezer. {nothing like a hurricane to clear up freezer space}

This is an F1 weekend. I had watched Quali live yesterday. Streaming live from watchespn is so much better for me that using dishanywhere to watch from the DVR. But the pre-race show came on as I was leaving the house, and I had a certain amount of work to do once I got here, so watching live wasn't an option today. On the Grid played for me with no problems, so I had high hopes for the GP itself. And after 9 or 10 failed attempts, I was able to watch. {Silver Arrows finished 1-2 with Lewis winning}

Shouldn't be but a couple three more hours. Our Sunday hours are camping friendly.
Yea, here in CA we have to consider the health of the rest of the nation.
lol yea that is true. here in hawaii they give no fucks unless it pertains only to us mostly with agriculture and ocean stuff. it's kinda fucked up too cause they don't really give any fucks for what the hawaiians tend to consider sacred like they had that whole battle/protesting issue with maunakea i believe cause nasa wanted to put a new telescope on the mountain but the hawaiians consider it sacred so they were protesting and then the government just went ahead and allowed them to put the new telescope in. mostly all about the money and giving a good rep for the state nothing else tbh.

they got a bunch of stupid stuff going on here lately like the rail system they were building that nobody really wanted cause of how much our taxes went up and then now they found out people in charge were stealing the money or something so they are doing investigations on it, taxing us for trash pick up. they got lots of illegal air bnb's here as well and the state i believe just say meh.. there is so much that were just going to have to allow it and profit off of it.

im just waiting for our economy to crash at some point like people here won't be able to afford living thats how it is already people are struggling. plus i think people from marshal islands have a free green card to live here cause the US bombed there island for target practice many years ago so we have to accomidate them for that.
. . . . . . . . . . im just waiting for our economy to crash at some point like people here won't be able to afford living thats how it is already people are struggling. plus i think people from marshal islands have a free green card to live here cause the US bombed there island for target practice many years ago so we have to accomidate them for that.

From wiki wiki-

During World War II, the United States took control of the islands in the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign in 1944. Nuclear testing began on Bikini Atoll in 1946 and concluded in 1958.

The US government formed the Congress of Micronesia in 1965, a plan for increased self-governance of Pacific islands. The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands in 1979 provided independence to the Marshall Islands, whose constitution and president (Amata Kabua) were formally recognized by the US. Full sovereignty or Self-government was achieved in a Compact of Free Association with the United States. Marshall Islands has been a member of the Pacific Community (SPC) since 1983 and a United Nations member state since 1991.[8] Politically, the Marshall Islands is a presidential republic in free association with the United States, with the US providing defense, subsidies, and access to U.S.-based agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission and the United States Postal Service.
lol yea that is true. here in hawaii they give no fucks unless it pertains only to us mostly with agriculture and ocean stuff. it's kinda fucked up too cause they don't really give any fucks for what the hawaiians tend to consider sacred like they had that whole battle/protesting issue with maunakea i believe cause nasa wanted to put a new telescope on the mountain but the hawaiians consider it sacred so they were protesting and then the government just went ahead and allowed them to put the new telescope in. mostly all about the money and giving a good rep for the state nothing else tbh.

they got a bunch of stupid stuff going on here lately like the rail system they were building that nobody really wanted cause of how much our taxes went up and then now they found out people in charge were stealing the money or something so they are doing investigations on it, taxing us for trash pick up. they got lots of illegal air bnb's here as well and the state i believe just say meh.. there is so much that were just going to have to allow it and profit off of it.

im just waiting for our economy to crash at some point like people here won't be able to afford living thats how it is already people are struggling. plus i think people from marshal islands have a free green card to live here cause the US bombed there island for target practice many years ago so we have to accomidate them for that.
I must ask how a telescope is sacrilegious.

I visited the Big Island in '96. Absolutely wonderful night skies. I am all for light pollution restriction. I can no longer see (long list of faint fuzzies) where I live.

The Marshall Islands weren't target practice; they were weapons development.

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went outside to clean garage/some garden related stuff but again can't do too much knowing my grandpa gonna dig in it tomorrow before trash day comes and pull it all out. i try to throw things away slowly and then top it with our regular house trash. ate some dragon fruit that my dad grew idk how it tastes since i dont eat it very often but the middle is sweet but the outer edges is kinda bitter like eating a watermelon imo the outer red parts tend to be more bitter the the middle. need more fruits in my house though need stuff to feed my worms. idk if they are exploding yet but since i filled the bin to the max with old soil to try and compost some of the roots from my sunflowers i don't see a ton of big worms mostly all small baby ones. will be emptying some of that soil in a few days need to transplant my pineapple chunk into a bigger/final pot. gotta find a 5gal though cause 10gal imo is too big but idk where all my damn pots are at people keep using them or moving them so idk what pot is what size.

did some work on the puzzle kind of over it tbh thinking about just doing like 10 pieces per day so then at least within 10 days i should be done for sure instead of trying to put in all 50-100 pieces in just a single day. nothing else to really do today just bunch of cleaning outside.

was thinking of asking my aunty if i can use her car that she actually bought for my cousin to drive but my cousin doesn't even have her permit cause she can't even pass the test to get it. idk how the hell she can graduate from college with a certificate but not even get her permit. the car has been sitting for YEARS though and im pretty sure they owe backtaxes on it because the plates were not stored and im sure it needs a ton of work cause i doubt it has even been started in the past 3-5 years just sitting in the sun
I must asl how a telescope is sacrilegious.

I visited the Big Island in '96. Absolutely wonderful night skies. I am all for light pollution restriction. I can no linger see (long list of faint fuzzies) where I live.. . . . . . ..
Since the hurricane I can see lights from 4-5 houses from my house now. You can see the actual houses from Sister's house. {from my little one mile road 20+ lights are visible across the river} Even down at the pond, I see lights from 3 houses to the south, and 2 to the north. #notahappycamper

From wiki wiki-

During World War II, the United States took control of the islands in the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign in 1944. Nuclear testing began on Bikini Atoll in 1946 and concluded in 1958.

The US government formed the Congress of Micronesia in 1965, a plan for increased self-governance of Pacific islands. The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands in 1979 provided independence to the Marshall Islands, whose constitution and president (Amata Kabua) were formally recognized by the US. Full sovereignty or Self-government was achieved in a Compact of Free Association with the United States. Marshall Islands has been a member of the Pacific Community (SPC) since 1983 and a United Nations member state since 1991.[8] Politically, the Marshall Islands is a presidential republic in free association with the United States, with the US providing defense, subsidies, and access to U.S.-based agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission and the United States Postal Service.

I must asl how a telescope is sacrilegious.

I visited the Big Island in '96. Absolutely wonderful night skies. I am all for light pollution restriction. I can no linger see (long list of faint fuzzies) where I live.

The Marshall Islands weren't target practice; they were weapons development.

idk the whole story but yea they were basically bombed thus how they began to migrate here basically if i am correct. i mean i could do some research to back it up but im not overly interested in the topic XD. it just popped up in my head because this show i watch on youtube recently talked about it and how we got the word for "bikini" which was from the island and they stated that is how they got "bikini island" from spongebob. think the show was related to spongebob idk.

as for the sacred mountain thing honestly idk i aint Hawaiian i just live in Hawaii. people do tend to get it mixed up calling everyone that lives in Hawaii "Hawaiian" if you look into Hawaiian culture though they have a LOT.. of sacred places mountains, streams/rivers, etc.. if you look back on How Hawaii actually became a state you'd understand why they were protesting against it as well.


they i guess basically don't want people fucking up what they consider sacred. like going into a church and desicrating it. they had something similar as well as they also consider animals sacred i think sharks are one of them but there was a video from years ago of some hawaiian guy doing some ritual to this monk seal that was beached and chilling and of course there are signs stating to keep your distance as they are protected by law and then a cop shows up and batons the guy. can barely hear the audio but idk if it was police brutality or what maybe the guy made a rude remark to the cop provoking the cop that is what the comments said but again audio was bad so couldn't really hear shit.

i never been to the big island but im sure they are more into the Hawaiian culture then they are here on Oahu. Oahu is fairly modernized of all the Hawaiian islands. we do got some Hawaiian sacred places here but the ones i know of are all in ruins but protected by law. forgot what island there was one that is like a pond or something and people recently urinated in the ponds and were kicked out. idk if tourists or what but i read an article that it has happened before thus why they closed the ponds for a while.

idk the whole story but yea they were basically bombed thus how they began to migrate here basically if i am correct. i mean i could do some research to back it up but im not overly interested in the topic XD. it just popped up in my head because this show i watch on youtube recently talked about it and how we got the word for "bikini" which was from the island and they stated that is how they got "bikini island" from spongebob. think the show was related to spongebob idk.

as for the sacred mountain thing honestly idk i aint Hawaiian i just live in Hawaii. people do tend to get it mixed up calling everyone that lives in Hawaii "Hawaiian" if you look into Hawaiian culture though they have a LOT.. of sacred places mountains, streams/rivers, etc.. if you look back on How Hawaii actually became a state you'd understand why they were protesting against it as well.

https://sites.coloradocollege.edu/indigenoustraditions/sacred-lands/sacred-lands-mauna-kea/chitecture and machines
they i guess basically don't want people fucking up what they consider sacred. like going into a church and desicrating it. they had something similar as well as they also consider animals sacred i think sharks are one of them but there was a video from years ago of some hawaiian guy doing some ritual to this monk seal that was beached and chilling and of course there are signs stating to keep your distance as they are protected by law and then a cop shows up and batons the guy. can barely hear the audio but idk if it was police brutality or what maybe the guy made a rude remark to the cop provoking the cop that is what the comments said but again audio was bad so couldn't really hear shit.

i never been to the big island but im sure they are more into the Hawaiian culture then they are here on Oahu. Oahu is fairly modernized of all the Hawaiian islands. we do got some Hawaiian sacred places here but the ones i know of are all in ruins but protected by law. forgot what island there was one that is like a pond or something and people recently urinated in the ponds and were kicked out. idk if tourists or what but i read an article that it has happened before thus why they closed the ponds for a while.

To me, a world-class astronomical observatory is much like a church. It is a place of extremely beautiful architecture, filled with outstanding instances of the optician's and machinist's art, where we go to touch the face of the Cosmos.
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Beer shelf is full. I have one rose out front left to deadhead and spray (tomorrow), the rest are done. Some of the corn is falling over for some stupid reason, guess I'll never buy that type again. I might put in a couple stakes once the sun is off of it. Got a nap in this afternoon when NASCAR was turning left AND right. NHRA recording now. I have some french bread sandwich rolls and leftover tri-tip from last night for dinner sandwiches.
To me, a world-class astronomical observatory is much like a church. It is a place of extremely beautiful architecture, filled with outstanding instances of the optician's and machinist's art, where we go to touch the face of the Cosmos.

i mean it's cool but i aint Hawaiian so i can't really speak about there culture/religion in a sense i think it's mostly due to oppression because of how hawaii became a state. they basically over threw our king and queen and took over. i think this is why here in Hawaii they will mostly teach you about Hawaiian history rather then US history. there are some videos from i guess the 80's maybe 70's idk but it basically shows Hawaiians protesting i guess for a house they lived in but the state wanted to build over that piece of land thus kicking them out. not too sure what that video was all about.

same with the rail system they are building here. companies were fighting against the state because the state tried to tell them "you need to gtfo were building this rail system right where your business is" one of which was actually the blood bank. of course the state didn't win that fight.

only thing i really know much about related to hawaiian culture is the ghost stories cause i really like horror stuff. there is one where you go into this tunnel which is a freeway and your not supposed to bring raw pork through because of the gods and it is said that if you do bring raw pork your car will break down but it's actually the old road that has been closed off for years that people don't have access to cause it's state property. that road is a hiking trail or something it's linked to some sort of outdoor activity it's either a hiking trail or there is a water system and people go in it like for tubing and stuff.
i mean it's cool but i aint Hawaiian so i can't really speak about there culture/religion in a sense i think it's mostly due to oppression because of how hawaii became a state. they basically over threw our king and queen and took over. i think this is why here in Hawaii they will mostly teach you about Hawaiian history rather then US history. there are some videos from i guess the 80's maybe 70's idk but it basically shows Hawaiians protesting i guess for a house they lived in but the state wanted to build over that piece of land thus kicking them out. not too sure what that video was all about.

same with the rail system they are building here. companies were fighting against the state because the state tried to tell them "you need to gtfo were building this rail system right where your business is" one of which was actually the blood bank. of course the state didn't win that fight.

only thing i really know much about related to hawaiian culture is the ghost stories cause i really like horror stuff. there is one where you go into this tunnel which is a freeway and your not supposed to bring raw pork through because of the gods and it is said that if you do bring raw pork your car will break down but it's actually the old road that has been closed off for years that people don't have access to cause it's state property. that road is a hiking trail or something it's linked to some sort of outdoor activity it's either a hiking trail or there is a water system and people go in it like for tubing and stuff.
So, you're a haole?