What did you accomplish today?

you made it out bro, it wasn't your time. I totally feel you, unfortunately it never goes away. you need to accept that it happened and for some unexplained reason you survived. It's a haunting feeling I know, but it wasn't your fault that any of that happened. It will be part of you till your dying days, but it could have ended a lot worse. Learning to adjust to the new you will be the hardest part. Keep your friends and family close brother. PM me if you need anything.
You’re fucking badass dude.
I had a really good talk with everyone. We all lost our houses and most of us our crops.

If I said that i’m pretty sure i’m suffering from ptsd what would your guys’s reaction be? I’ve been through so fucking much in my life. This one is fucking me up. i thought i was gonna die. Two roads over, 5 people died in their cars.
War isn't the only cause of PTSD bro. Imagine surviving women and rape, a massive tornado wipes out a town, a hurricane like in Florida, etc.
Don't add this to your load.
Dude. Rudy was behind me in my outback i kept calling him and we were both thinking we were gonna die. We were stuck right up at Pearson rd for 1.5hrs. Pitch black and smoke. Embers the size of basketballs.

I thought i was gonna die.

Totally not even comparable to what vietnam for you and bataan shit my grandpa, but i’m trippin dude!

Rudy totalled the outback going down Clark with rex in the car. Fire on both sides of us when i finally got to him.
Heavy shit mate your still here, dodging rattle snakes. Venting is good for the soul but can be hard on the pride, don’t let it be I think it’s a male trait. I get weird talking about certain stuff probably share more on here then I would in the real world.
I had a really good talk with everyone. We all lost our houses and most of us our crops.

If I said that i’m pretty sure i’m suffering from ptsd what would your guys’s reaction be? I’ve been through so fucking much in my life. This one is fucking me up. i thought i was gonna die. Two roads over, 5 people died in their cars.
Ptsd is a mother fucker. I havent been back to work since my son passed away a week before this past Christmas. I still have flashbacks of giving him cpr. I had barely just got over the death of my high school buddy who I had to put down because he tried to shoot me with my own shotgun while high on meth in 2015. You're not alone bro.
Ptsd is a mother fucker. I havent been back to work since my son passed away a week before this past Christmas. I still have flashbacks of giving him cpr. I had barely just got over the death of my high school buddy who I had to put down because he tried to shoot me with my own shotgun while high on meth in 2015. You're not alone bro.
Holy fucking shit dude.

I’m so sorry. Man. I just don’t know what I’d do if something like that happened to me. I keep saying it could always be worse because I know people deal with allot worse. God damn! Again, so sorry dude.
I had barely just got over the death of my high school buddy who I had to put down because he tried to shoot me with my own shotgun while high on meth in 2015. You're not alone bro.
My best friend hasn’t even called me this whole time after the fire. Just before the fire, around early October he just straight left his property with plants in the ground talking about everyone’s trying to kill him. Last thing he told me was they’re following him and he’s afraid he’ll lead them right to me.

This is of course from meth. Fucking trips me out. I’m wondering if people like him can make it back to this planet, or is the psychosis for ever.
My best friend hasn’t even called me this whole time after the fire. Just before the fire, around early October he just straight left his property with plants in the ground talking about everyone’s trying to kill him. Last thing he told me was they’re following him and he’s afraid he’ll lead them right to me.

This is of course from meth. Fucking trips me out. I’m wondering if people like him can make it back to this planet, or is the psychosis for ever.
Some people never come back. I've seen plenty people fry their brains. Just never though it would one of my close homies to try some crazy shit like that. He should have known better. I got a fast hand.
I hope you feel better soon @Aeroknow :hug:Maybe try some meditation? I use a free app on my phone. It’s called Insight Timer. Go to guided meditation for anxiety . Over 20,000 free meditations. If your interested I can let you know my bookmarks. Take care.
I appreciate it, you guys are hella cool.

I think the main thing I need to do is not get shitty drunk like I did yesterday. It’s when it all likes coming out.
Imagine a full houseboat of people like me. That’s what it was like yesterday. Once we all got liquored up it was all stories about the evacuation.

My buddys wife is a teacher. She was on the boat too. Left school with a full car of kids that morning. The poor kids. They are dealing with some serious shit and it’s all just now starting to come out. They need to do allot to help the kids deal with this.
I appreciate it, you guys are hella cool.

I think the main thing I need to do is not get shitty drunk like I did yesterday. It’s when it all likes coming out.
Imagine a full houseboat of people like me. That’s what it was like yesterday. Once we all got liquored up it was all stories about the evacuation.

My buddys wife is a teacher. She was on the boat too. Left school with a full car of kids that morning. The poor kids. They are dealing with some serious shit and it’s all just now starting to come out. They need to do allot to help the kids deal with this.
I feel you. My son has autism and is non-verbal. But every day he says his lil brothers name and and tries to look behind the pictures of him to see if hes there. He doesnt understand and it sucks because he was such a good big brother to him. If i could trade places with my son in heaven I would. Life aint fair
1st day of summer:

I drive 2 hours south to stockton to pick up my boat left at 6. $4400 of repairs. Was back by 11am launched at bidwell to meet up with a bunch of buddies who got a houseboat. One of my buddies lost his dogs inside his house when the fire came through. I knew the dogs.

Fuck you Camp Fire!
I keep saying it could always be worse because of my buddy Rob.
I had a really good talk with everyone. We all lost our houses and most of us our crops.

If I said that i’m pretty sure i’m suffering from ptsd what would your guys’s reaction be? I’ve been through so fucking much in my life. This one is fucking me up. i thought i was gonna die. Two roads over, 5 people died in their cars.
We were blessed in the hurricane. Lost all my barns and timber, but the house escaped with just roof damage. So many had it worse than us. My boss has been back in her house for about a month, but still has crews in most days. She is not doing well at all. She knocks out a couple three six packs a night. But so far she isn't day drinking. The board members and the rest of the staff are doing all we can to make the job easier for her. But she is still letting stuff slide.

The wife says that lots of her facebook friends freak out in bad weather now. I don't have good sense. The storm never scared me. Even when my barns were blowing away, we were on the porch recording it. But the damn recovery is kicking my ass. At the rate I'm going, I figure I have about 5-10 years of it ahead.
I just went to get oil and a filter for my car and they don't carry the brand of filter I want anymore. Of course the button pusher behind the counter doesn't know anything about the other filters they offer. Most people don't care, but I want a filter with the correct paper filter media, crimped metal or bonded plastic seals on the filter media and some type of anti drain back valve. Some filters, even some more expensive ones, use a perforated cardboard like material and glue all the filter material in. They're known to break down and let more contaminates through and, especially if the glue seams fail, it's almost like having no filter if its bad enough. My car is getting up in miles and I run it to the red line through a couple gears almost every time I drive, so I want the best protection I can get, at a reasonable price.

I'm already planning on a new motor and tranny, so maybe I shouldn't care as much. Lol. It's still gonna be a year, at least, before it happens. I can get a blueprinted, forged, short block for around $7K, only about $2000 more than a factory, non forged, Ford reman motor, which I've read some really bad reviews about. I was gonna turbo it, but there's a supercharger kit for my car that's reasonable and I won't have to figure out where to fit everything, so I'm going to need the beefy bottom end. I also want to look into upgrading to a 6 or 8 speed auto. I'm looking for a mild 400rwhp tune for daily driving, but with the flick of a switch to a different tune closer to 600. I've needed new tires for awhile now, so I'm looking for the 18" GT500 rims I've wanted since I got the car as the first upgrade. Gonna be a sleeper.
Not my car, but it's a twin with the wheels I want. Last of the full size, body on frame, V8 dinosaurs, but I love it.
I appreciate it, you guys are hella cool.

I think the main thing I need to do is not get shitty drunk like I did yesterday. It’s when it all likes coming out.
Imagine a full houseboat of people like me. That’s what it was like yesterday. Once we all got liquored up it was all stories about the evacuation.

My buddys wife is a teacher. She was on the boat too. Left school with a full car of kids that morning. The poor kids. They are dealing with some serious shit and it’s all just now starting to come out. They need to do allot to help the kids deal with this.
Drinking does dredge up shit from deep down. But talking about it is good. Here there are lots of outreach programs for folks. But the problem with kids is so many left the area due to housing shortage, they are in other places where the help isn't readily available.
Not my car, but it's a twin with the wheels I want. Last of the full size, body on frame, V8 dinosaurs, but I love it.
And I get upset if I have to buy a V-6. lol

Back when we got the old Prius {2005} we were getting 50+ mpg. The higher the price of gas went, the smarter I looked. Only get 33 on my Camry, but I got such a deal on it, I couldn't turn it down.
Mornin. When I went to Ace to get my sprinkler solenoid I figured I'd pick up a couple six packs of annuals to put around my mailbox. I took them up to the cashier and she said go grab a couple more because they were trying to get rid of them, so I got 4 for the price of 2. Works for me.