What did you accomplish today?

@cannabineer didn't your dad have some experience with this?
Remember that pic of St. Stephen's Cathedral? It seems he drew the attention of the firewatch stationed in the spire there. From like a mile and a half away.
I recall (as dad told it) the smoke coming from an attempt to react calcium metal with elemental phosphorus. That's my kind of chemistry. Thump smoke stink. Yeehaw.
made it home with a flat tire and low on gas lol. almost got some serious road rage bunch of idiots on the freeway. seen 3 people trying to merge by forcing their way in without using their blinkers. one of um couldn't make up his mind after trying to merge last minute in my lane and almost caused me to hit him/crash. almost hit this girl in the front of me swerving on the road cause she was fixing her hair and then began to speed up and stomped on the breaks so i almost hit her.
Sodium chlorate and Vaseline plus a smidge of sulfur makes a paste that I've loaded into the skirts of .177 pellets. Fired skirt-first at a rock or piece of steel these tended to go bang on impact. Never had one screw my barrel ... wonder how lucky I was there.
It could have been worse, a .22 pellet gun.