What did you accomplish today?

The only ferocity I fear from him is at the changing table. I used to call it Containment Failure. But Aussie friends of my wife&daughter taught me a term for when it escapes the boundaries of the modern disposable crapwrapper.
And when it runs from knees to neck.

Now I know it to be a Diabolical.
Ya I will not miss buying or changing the diapers. Between them and formula that’s a pretty nice little check every week. The little one is harmless it’s my three year old that acts like a drunken cholo. Puking hiting all those things
Moms funeral finally done. What sucks now though is my modem is broken so i went out to buy a new one. Says it is connected but i get no internet connection. Pretty sure internet was paid for as well
Moms funeral finally done. What sucks now though is my modem is broken so i went out to buy a new one. Says it is connected but i get no internet connection. Pretty sure internet was paid for as well
A new modem has a new mac address. You will have to contact the ISP to get it working.
They will need the new information to program their system to recognize your new hardware.
Good morning all. I've already been on the wrong end of a broom this morning. I still have got a good deal more to go. I knew my customers were going to be in the other end of the building, so I skated on my cleanup last night. It's always hard to get motivated the next day. And I need to get it done before hoops tip. Plus my DVR is filling up with F1 I need to find time to watch. Maybe it will rain tomorrow and I can catch up. Sleep included. The older I get the tougher these late night/early morning/late night/early mornings every weekend are. At least we close early on Sundays.

I'll camp tonight, assuming everything goes as planned.
What was the last straw?
A combo of all the malware/ viruses, windows being a resource hog, windows being unstable, windows not being free/ charging monthly fee for Microsoft office. I could go on.

Ive been using linux on one computer for a while I run retropie on for retro gamimg. Decided I liked it better.

The older laptop that I run retropie has lubuntu and the others have Ubuntu now installed.