What did you accomplish today?

This is a great example of the role the embouchure plays in producing sound on a brass instrument. The bugle has no valves, no moving parts at all. Yet, this musician is able to produce several notes at different volumes, and even add some nice vibrato, strictly by controlling his breath through the varying tension of his lips. Pretty cool...

I’m covered in goosebumps every time I hear this. It sounds awesome in the vid but to hear it irl is a whole other thing!
There ya go! You did a beautiful grow all the way through and your trimming looked great as well.

Thank you! I'm really excited to see what the final results are going to be. Hopefully I caught this in time and there's no seed.

i love broccoli, but wheres the cheese sauce?

Around here it's steamed with olive oil, lemon and garlic.
Morning everyone, hope everyone had a great weekend....or at least a productive one....mine was sorta....

had a productive weekend, made carnitas taco's over the weekend, also had some nice swiss and dried smoked sausage picked that up while i was doing my banking. So i did a browse at the store and low and behold they have tomato plants out, so i picked out a Roma and a Cherry tomato and bought them home and replanted them in new pots, i'll show ya them in a bit after i wake up...ugh

welp coffee is nice and hot and ready, it's 30F this morning, not bad considering it's Tx....
I've decided to work on my own equipment instead of taking it to my guy. I have the knowledge but I seem to lack the patience. Today is two chainsaws that have been giving me trouble. The one seems to be fine now after some tinkering. The other still won't stay running. And it's my smaller climbing saw which I use alot more than the big guy. Out all night salting so not really in the mood right now but It needs done.
Mornin all. I guess the heater had a hung up relay or something. Pulled the front panels off and there happens to be an interlock switch for the fan, so it shut off when I did that. Looked around expecting something to jump out at me and say it was broken, found nothing. Put the covers back on and the heater is working again. I have no clue. Check engine light was misfire on cyl #5, I think it has the original plugs in it pushing 60K. 16 plugs to replace, oh joy.