What did you accomplish today?

Picked up some corners for the screen frame I have laying around to use as a drying rack, I'll build that today. Picked up a 1.75L bottle of 190 for a friend, now to keep bothering her until she remembers to stop by and get it. Made my first QWET extraction yesterday, I tried it without concentrating it more and I guess I did something right. It seems to last longer than if I smoked the buds, might just be me.
I was moving the laundry appliances around the other day and the vent hose came off, no big deal except there was a roller bearing (one cylinder) and some chunks of metal resting at the outlet. Wondered why it was running quieter recently, but I might be in the market for a new one soon.
I used to make reproduction textiles. I used about 300# of merino fleece/year. Being able to dry it in a controlled environment created a better workflow and end product.
That thing should carry a halo
There is room in the upper cabinet
I setup a new workstation with three 24" monitors. It's awesome.

My wife has a laptop with an extra monitor hooked through a hub that she uses with her genealogy stuff.

I need a new PC soon, and I'm thinking about picking up one of the hubs and an extra monitor. For the last 6-7 years I've been using a refurbished HP pc that I paid 187 bucks for. Worth every penny of it.
My new tent and inflatable pillows came right as I was leaving for work. I looked in the box to make sure that was what it was, but didn't really have time to dig it out. I think I have a night off next Wednesday. Will try to walk somewhere and sleep in it then.

Just ran into the contractor who had built my house at the grocery store. After the hurricane i had said I was going to give him a big kiss the next time I saw him. Luckily for both of us, I forgot that while we were talking.
My laptop has a HDMI output on it that I use as a second monitor input to my TV to stream music and music videos from Youtube. Depending on the available outputs on a new PC you might not need a hub.
I might not. The wife has a couple of three scanners hooked to hers. I will be making some files from DVD's {dead shows} and editing hiking video, but nothing too taxing.
My laptop has a HDMI output on it that I use as a second monitor input to my TV to stream music and music videos from Youtube. Depending on the available outputs on a new PC you might not need a hub.
I still don't have cable at work, so i use my laptop to watch FSU hoops. My office TV isn't huge, so unless I pull it all the way up against my desk, it does just as good on the laptop.

We have hooked a laptop to the big TV at home for the part of the master's that is online only.
you can link HDMI to the newer TV's, i hooked mine up to a 55", it was rather cool...used for a big monitor for a minute or so.....freaked the wife out.
Yea, our TV is a 55 inch too. I've hooked it up for the wife to see shows that she had to watch online. The monitor for my pc is a wide screen already. Not to mention the pc doesn't have a HDMI output.
Yea, our TV is a 55 inch too. I've hooked it up for the wife to see shows that she had to watch online. The monitor for my pc is a wide screen already. Not to mention the pc doesn't have a HDMI output.
I have a wireless mouse and keyboard so I just set the laptop next to the TV (55" also) on a bookcase and plug it in, then I can choose the songs or videos from the couch. (edit) I also have a 4Tb hard drive with all our CD's on it next to the bookcase.
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I have a wireless mouse and keyboard so I just set the laptop next to the TV (55" also) on a bookcase and plug it in, then I can choose the songs or videos from the couch.
The few times I've hooked up my work TV to my laptop, I have 3-4 tabs open at once, so I ended up with RIU and IG to the front, and my You Tube video playing off screen.

That is the biggest drawback to watching basketball on my laptop. After a great {or really bad} play, I comment on the game thread, so when it's up the game is covered up. Will be glad when I get cable back. But i shouldn't bitch. Most folks can't watch TV or surf the web at work.
You can assign the game to the TV screen and leave the comment window on the laptop by tweaking the monitor settings.
I need to learn how to do that. I try to remember to check the cable once a week. We are a week away from 5 months since the hurricane. You would think they would like to get paid, so they would try to get it back up.

I have Dish Network at home, so i can watch Dish Anywhere, but the stream isn't great. What works better is to stream the game from Watch ESPN {or whatever network it's on} When all that fails, i can always listen to Gene's call on the radio {which is really streamed too}. Only about a month of BB left anyway. After that F1 is my only TV concern, and I don't do the race threads, so no reason to watch it live. Not to mention that afternoons in Europe are early mornings here.
I drove to LA again today to take my dog to the dentist! The DVM was wonderful. Tino my little aggressive biting asshole laid there and let them clean his teeth without anesthesia! I'm so pleased. The drive was a fucking nightmare. The San Fernando Valley on a Friday was nuts. But it was so worth it.