What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Only got to try a small sliver . . . Made my mouth tingle . . . More research is required
what exactly do you need more research with? maybe I can help?
Yea. It sucks. I keep telling myself I won't get close to another dog and then I always end up with another one or three.
Life is pain. Something is always around the corner to try and hurt us, might as well get some love out of the deal too.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

i'm not sure if that will link right, may take you to your own area.
i lived in Mn. for a long time, and 30° here feels like 0° there, the wind here is wet and cold, and you can feel it sucking the heat out of your body every time it blows. i'd rather deal with winter there, as long as you dress right, you're ok, here, it makes no difference what you wear, within an hour you're cold, and you aren't warming back up till you go inside. of course, winter here is about 2 months long, really...and about 4 in Mn...and the spring and fall are really just "winter lite".....so in reality, you have about 2 months of slush, 2 months of summer, 2 more months of slush, then 6 months of winter....fuck it, i'm moving to the equator

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i would have pulled that skip loader off that trailer, used it to pick up the end of the trailer, and set that bitch back on the road......probably me being delusional, but i'm a little crazy that way....i'll try anything once, twice if i don't break it the first time
The trailer was at such an angle if he would've unchained the skid steer it would've slid right off sideways.


Well-Known Member
I finally have the new ceiling panel in, plastered and the cornices are on too. Probably needs a skim coat still.
I started on Saturday with this project. It would have taken a tradesman an hour or two maybe...
I'll paint it tomorrow morning, its way too hot now. Didn't come out too bad, considering I've not done this before. I'll give myself a 6.5 out of 10. I can probably make it a 7 if I spend an hour more before painting.

On the plus side I picked up some muscle tone around my shoulders and neck, I can now work with my arms up high for longer than 5 minutes at a time.