What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
a warm embrace on a cold night, through some fresh cedar in the fire for added crackling....
The damn cleaners one year gave me a spring bag instead of the winter bag I gave them. They were both od green and I didn't notice.

Decided to go camping one night with a buddy. It got below zero and there I was in a bag rated for 32 degrees.

I got cold. No fire, couple feet of snow.

Before long I was in my buddies sleeping bag. It was the only way to stay warm.


Well-Known Member
The damn cleaners one year gave me a spring bag instead of the winter bag I gave them. They were both od green and I didn't notice.

Decided to go camping one night with a buddy. It got below zero and there I was in a bag rated for 32 degrees.

I got cold. No fire, couple feet of snow.

Before long I was in my buddies sleeping bag. It was the only way to stay warm.
On some level you probably knew that you were bringing a spring bag. Your subconscious knew it was the only way that you'd have an excuse to sleep with your buddy. Our minds are always working toward our most dominant thoughts. J/K ;)


Well-Known Member
Yep. I give a break on the ounce, but not to everyone. Some are fine paying $400. I have a few suburban guys that buy 1/2 oz. at a time for $240! I love those guys...
We used to grow small fields decades ago for money (and free weed).

About a decade ago I started experimenting with indoor grows. Now, even though everybody could use extra money, I'm too greedy to part with something I put all that time into...

I'm still a big hit at parties though ;-).

I remember a guy getting $750 a zip for real Haze here 5 or 6 yrs. ago. That was seven fifty, not a misprint. Some guys will pay anything to have the best. Ever watch those Mecum car auctions?


Well-Known Member
I've never seen those auctions, but I looked it up once you mentioned it. Fancy stuff. I'd love to try an outdoor grow, or soil at all one day. I don't mind parting with my product: it's more money than I could make at anything else, keeps me out of the rat race, and affords me lots of free time. You're right, people really pay for quality. I've got a few people that drive an hour one way to buy my dank, even though they have a local connection. There's something about buds that are super frosty and in their original shape (no compression or packing) that people really dig. I think I'll ride out this prohibition thing to the very end...


Well-Known Member
I attached the lift to the flatbed yesterday. Turned out to be a bit harder than I thought it would. I was trying to keep it open like a bear trap while working on it, it was under a lot of pressure from the spring that helps flip the deck over.

I was drunk when I ordered the decals so barbwire it is. It's a farm truck so I'm cool with it. Also picked up an aluminum tool box to hold straps, gives me a little more room in the cab.

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I welded and bolted the lift on because I'm not sure of the DOT regulations on that, they usually frown on welded hitches.

Today I'm doing the wiring and it should finish up the flatbed. And the starter should be here this afternoon for the Sierra.
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Well-Known Member
Yep. I give a break on the ounce, but not to everyone. Some are fine paying $400. I have a few suburban guys that buy 1/2 oz. at a time for $240! I love those guys...
I can get $20-25 a gram here. So 5-600 oz. But its illegal and hard to get good indoor here.

I don't sell though.