What Cured Weed Looks Like

Does no one understand sarcasm anymore? I've been growing a decade and that pic/post was a spoof on people asking is their plants are done.

Anyone that believes otherwise is a fool.

As for chlorophyll reactivating, I was trying to drive home the point of how dark I keep it when I'm drying and curing.

You act like someone that needs constant approval and the accolades of others. I don't need that or understand why you do.

I love when know it all, wanna be growers get tangled up in the Diarrhea they type daily then say they were just being sarcastic.
I love when know it all, wanna be growers get tangled up in the Diarrhea they type daily then say they were just being sarcastic.
My plant speaks for itself. I don't know it all, just alot with much more to learn and if you can't decipher jokes and sarcasm, I can try to make it clearer for future posts.
My plant speaks for itself. I don't know it all, just alot with much more to learn and if you can't decipher jokes and sarcasm, I can try to make it clearer for future posts.

You were quite serious about reactivated chlorophyll
That is surprisingly resinous, must say. Still not cured though, just aged. But if you like it that way then whatever. I find the way I do it to produce a much preferable product so I keep doing it. I tried just hanging plants up and drying them like other people do but it turned out crappy in comparison to the heating pad 3-4 day curing/drying method. Why should I settle for something which is clearly inferior? You never tried it any other way so you think you're smoking something good when really you're smoking crap. You'll still get high, no doubt, just less high and with more harshness. I guess that's why whenever I watch videos of people smoking what they think is quality weed they take a big bong hit and hack their damn guts out. I don't have to do that, that's the difference. Now if you enjoy coughing then have fun.
Yeah it's called you just don't know how to hang dry for shit. Like just because you don't know how to dry your weed the normal way don't be saying it's a better way or everyone else would be doing it. But hey if you like weed with bearly any terps that's none of my business but don't be saying the way you do it gives a better product 99% of people care about what their weed smells and taste like and don't want the same smell with every strain because doing it that way.
fuckin molded , and oven dried trash! what the fuck are you trying to preach over here ? look at your rubbish brown weed! tobacco is the subject you should stick to. weed aint your thang. So yours is "primo" in 48 hours ?! what the fuck are you on ? have you read any of the links you posted? If you can dry weed in 2 days then you keep that shit to yourself. let alone CURE IT ??
it only takes you 30 weeks to finish because your using cheap ass blurple fuckin lights. There is a tiny bit of truth to your 16 week weed but you would never be able to grasp it so stay out of it.
you said michagans shit was mostly leaf ?!
ANY weed done in 2 days is trash, period.
Lol tell em what God loves
I meant overall....not just bobs trash. If weed is brown , its suspect. If you know the grower who can explain it is one thing but to just say brown is not an indicator is a pretty bold statement. Brown is a great indicator of a shitty cure , a shitty dry , mold spores , ammonia smells and this is a lot more common then just ripping the chlorophyll out in one day. (like most folks , thuis is the only time they will ever hear of this horrible way of drying.) Most growers read a lot more about getting rid of chlorophyll then they do about "aging tobacco" so hes going backwards here. (getting rid of the chlorophyll is the same in every plant for the most part so no need in learning backwards... )

Has science changed in the last 10 years ? i wouldnt doubt it as we dont know much about the plant yet....were still learning. 10 years ago , a "cure" had a lot more to it then just getting rid of chlorophyll. As i recall , a lot of things changed within the flower as it was curing. I also recall reading something that said once the flower is down to 60 rh or whatever the number is ..... its done and cannot be changed anymore (for the good) Which is why we take so long to cure ? Chlorophyll cannot be the only factor or we would be smoking within a week. (i am not talking about terps either cause we already covered that one)
you also mentioned some old weed being better and i wondered what the professor told you that confirmed it was better?
Thanks for your time.
Bobby brown has never been acceptable