What Cured Weed Looks Like

I do have to ask something first though. Could you please explain how you came up with your moniker name? I'm just curious. Lol

It's Philip k dick's alter ego in a few of his books.

"Fat realized that one of two possibilities existed and only two; either Dr. Stone was totally insane – not just insane but totally so – or else in an artful, professional fashion he had gotten Fat to talk; he had drawn Fat out and now knew that Fat was totally insane."
It's Philip k dick's alter ego in a few of his books.

"Fat realized that one of two possibilities existed and only two; either Dr. Stone was totally insane – not just insane but totally so – or else in an artful, professional fashion he had gotten Fat to talk; he had drawn Fat out and now knew that Fat was totally insane."
Holy crap. I just learned something today. That dude wrote Blade Runner and Total Recall. Pretty sure I've got a hardcover of Recall floating around here somewhere. It's interesting how much thought people put into their monikers. Mine is so simple. I'm a warlock. Lol.....
Holy crap. I just learned something today. That dude wrote Blade Runner and Total Recall. Pretty sure I've got a hardcover of Recall floating around here somewhere. It's interesting how much thought people put into their monikers. Mine is so simple. I'm a warlock. Lol.....

Now light a big bowl and watch a scanner darkly. It's more fun and less dark than the trailer makes it out to be though.

How could I "fail at drying my weed"? I hung it up, it dried, wouldn't that be succeeding? Just that it wasn't as good as the cured weed, which was the point. Thanks for your highly intelligent question though, now since you have nothing useful to contribute get the hell off this thread and don't come back, please and thank you.
You tried you failed. It happens. Then instead of learning the correct way you just made up your own. Sounds like something a two year old would do.

your weed looks like what comes out of vape after my session :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Listen, if people like this guy have nothing intelligent or useful to add here then why clutter it up with useless spam posts? I started a thread for serious discussion of Cannabis curing and 90% of other peoples' posts are spam, much of it of an insulting nature. Now please stick to threads appropriate to your mentality, whatever they may be, because this is not one and I'm tired of unintelligent and belligerent noobasses coming on here posting crap.
If everyone like me left this thread you would be talking to yourself but you are kinda doing that now soooo carry on one man wolf pack. :eyesmoke:
Since you have nothing useful to contribute get the hell off this thread and don't come back, please and thank you.
Shouldn't you be off treating your weed for an ear ache? For the record it was your ignorance that brought most here. Having a different method, even one considered wrong by others, can be explored here. When you attack everyone, call them all nubes and say nobody in the world knows what good weed is or how to cure except you it was bound to garner attention. Tell you what, find a friend if you can, have them grab your shoulders and both of you pull in opposite directions. If you are really lucky the two of you can dislodge your head from your posterior and you may start thinking more clearly. If nothing else the air will be better. Than you can try not being an insulting little no it all and perhaps have a decent conversation about your ideas. All those poking fun at you are the direct result of your own actions. You take care now, good luck.
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Go look up "flue curing" and get back to me after you have successfully used Google. Obviously there's no heating pad involved but there is heat and humidity for 48 hours involved. I just found a practical way to do it on a small scale with weed.
even though it is not flue curing that you are doing, i am glad you are experimenting
I'm assuming this guy is from a backwoods bayou somewhere. AKA toxic primordial ooze. Visited Louisiana for month. Everything was growing mold there in the summer. Hence the necessity for his instant cure. Has to taste better than mold. Only logic I see.

Thanks all for the input. Has been interesting.
Since you have nothing useful to contribute get the hell off this thread and don't come back, please and thank you.

It’s hilarious that you think this is “your” thread, and that you can kick people off of it. You clearly don’t understand how this forum works. Everything you post here is public. The threads belong to the forum and in turn to everyone here.

You didn’t get an huge negative response from everyone until you started with the insults name calling and general over the top attitude trying to dominate the conversations with your personal subjective ideas for this process. You didn’t start this thread to have a pleasant discussion you came in firing at everyone.

If you want better luck using this forum and interacting with people I would suggest learning how to have a level headed conversation with out letting your emotions control your responses.

It’s great that you like smoking your “cured” buds. It’s great that you want to share that with others.
It's Philip k dick's alter ego in a few of his books.

"Fat realized that one of two possibilities existed and only two; either Dr. Stone was totally insane – not just insane but totally so – or else in an artful, professional fashion he had gotten Fat to talk; he had drawn Fat out and now knew that Fat was totally insane."
Hmmm so what if this is just uncle bucks new alter ego troll account!? o_O
It’s hilarious that you think this is “your” thread, and that you can kick people off of it. You clearly don’t understand how this forum works. Everything you post here is public. The threads belong to the forum and in turn to everyone here.

You didn’t get an huge negative response from everyone until you started with the insults name calling and general over the top attitude trying to dominate the conversations with your personal subjective ideas for this process. You didn’t start this thread to have a pleasant discussion you came in firing at everyone.

If you want better luck using this forum and interacting with people I would suggest learning how to have a level headed conversation with out letting your emotions control your responses.

It’s great that you like smoking your “cured” buds. It’s great that you want to share that with others.
So you like the thread I started so much you just can't stay away? I guess that is understandable. And didn't you notice I asked nicley? I said please AND thank you, what more did you want? Did I miss one?
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So why is it green if it's cured? You just dried that out at low humidity and then stuck it in jars or some kind of container. I call that "storing" not curing. Also why is it half leaf? If you look at the pics I posted you'll notice it's all calyx with only a little leaf stubs here and there, impossible to get every little bit of leaf out, and no stalk at all. Your buds are actually a bunch of small buds on a piece of stalk and surrounded by leaf. To make premium you first need to clean it down completely, then you need to wash it, then you need to actually cure it, while it's still alive, then you dry it.

The jarring could be called "aging", because that's exactly what they do to age pipe tobacco in small batches, put it in a jar 3/4 full at 62% RH and close it for a few months. It apparently makes it smoother, it does not however remove chlorophyll. They aren't even trying to remove chlorophyll with that procedure, because it was already removed when they cured it first. You just completely skipped the curing part. The weed you showed is typical dispensary weed, which I refer to colloquially as "crap", nothing personal, just you either don't know how to actually cure weed or you just don't bother. In other words, you're like everybody else, except of course me, I have some standards and I put some actual work into it. It's a lot more tedious to actually clean a bunch of weed down and extra effort to wash and cure it, which is probably why nobody else does it, they're "lazy", one light say, or they "just don't care" and are "profiteers".
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People don’t like buying or smoking brown weed. It’s not tobacco, but the fact that you keep mentioning tobacco explains things perfectly. You want to murder all your terpenes so your bud tastes like burnt popcorn. Likely because your taste buds are fried from years of smoking tobacco. I’d love to see a terpene analysis comparing your flowers after their “cure” process. I bet you’re the type to pulverize your flowers in a grinder to roll spliffs. All the pot snobs I know wouldn’t touch your herb if they were paid.

Keep crying about chlorophyll though as you smoke your tobacco cannabis.