What Could / Should be a Sticky?

Now you're punishing the rest of us. :cry: That's not fair.

You're passionate about LEDs and want to make the information more accessible, discoverable. Why don't you (and 3-4 others) do an offsite wiki? And then a sticky could refer to the community'ish wiki. (It wouldn't be entirely a community wiki. It wouldn't suffer from the contentiousness @church mentioned because someone would have to own it. That person would include others from the community as editors or admins. It wouldn't be wide open like a wiki here. I see it being yours, Supra, Greengenes, Captain, 4-5 others?).

az glad to see you around, but please are you going to keep adding to this shit heap?

I merely wanted to sticky a few new threads that BEGINNERS are constantly asking about and now its some kind of ill tempered shitstorm....because I merely suggested using some of the really good factual members in the LED thread to speed along the "fact checking" process...I suggested this because, while I realize the site's responsibility to accuracy and such, these are the ones, working on LED everyday, they understand the truth, better than anyone, and that's not an ASSET?

If you want a WIKI, you are welcome to start that post....

@robincnn ....great suggestions....

The Supra thread is probably mandatory and love the Post your Pics thread idea and I want to add

The Tapping Thread [disclosure: self interest :)]
No embelllisment No lies...I am sorry I am pissing off a pregnant woman today, that was my last intention, but to turn this around like you have, leaves me Bummed out....

No worries I guess.
you did lie, you said
and im quoting you here
....Remember the 1st thing you mentioned before all of this was that you were pregnant and didn't have time to "deal with it" at the time....
that is not at all what i told you i just said at the current moment my priority is irl based, that does not at all suggest i dont have time to "deal with it" nor were those words ever written to you by me. you put words in my mouth and you wrote them out to be factual as if i was unhelpful and did not want to help you when that is a lie and ive never nothing but be helpful and suggestive and excited about your sticky
we have a sticky process, thats it
its not the end of the world ..its not harsh its not like were going to slash up your thread

all it does is check facts to make sure they are right .
EXAMPLE: baking soda is never found in cookie recipes.

that would be untruthful baking soda is found in cookie recipes but not all so we wouldnt want a thread stating cookies dont have baking soda in them ever when they do
the rest we check for is spelling, paragraphs well written sentence structure and easy to read format
thats it ive written that like 4 times now , and not sure why its not getting through
and than we check comments to make sure theres not like a shit storm of arguments and name calling
and than we sticky it
it takes time, sure, but its not a bad process youre getting so overworked about having us read before we sticky something willy nilly
let me know when you have a thread you want reviewed to be stickied, it will take probably less than a month but i need to give myself time to read
as i have stated several times now theres one in process of review for the board rollitup in general before your request.

pm me when you have it, or which one you guys choose or several whatever.
and i will go through

should you still want your account deleted, let me know 24 hours past from now
i dont want anyone making harsh decisions over being upset or whatever as its a permanent decision and you will not get your account back should you choose to want it deleted.
az glad to see you around, but please are you going to keep adding to this shit heap? ... If you want a WIKI, you are welcome to start that post....

I'm sorry you didn't appreciate my contribution. The only reason a wiki came to mind is because it's insane to have lots of stickies we have to scroll past *over and over*. @sunni later said:

"the old stickies will stay they dont get removed. we can add a new sticky."​

That's gonna be a lot of scrolling pretty soon. o_O

I wonder if it would make sense to have a single sticky titled "Important links, threads, FAQ. NEW USERS start here." That one sticky could link to the more important threads, off-site wiki if there ever was one?

That still wouldn't make info as structured and discoverable as I'd like to see (in a perfect world). But, if stickies are never removed, I hate to see more added. I know it's more your and a few others' forum (as the knowledge experts). But, others have to scroll through those "more important" threads (over and over). If they're never unpinned, that could easily be over done, right?

I'm sorry if my suggestions are unwanted. I'll shut up. (I feel your pain about recurring basic questions, reciting the same oral tradition over and over. That's what I was trying to think outside the box about.).
That was the basic gist of my suggestion, a list of links. I came up with 4 off the top of my head. I'm sure there are 10-15 more and there can't be 15 stickies. I do think the idea of starting the thread and letting it get stickied at some point is a good idea. If it's the type of thread where the original post requests no conversation and a reply only with a link to relevant information, it will drop off the main page once the initial batch of links have been added. It would ultimately need to be stickied to be relevant, or barring that members who value the link list could slap it in their sig.

So... someone can get the party started with no help from the mods.
I'm sorry you didn't appreciate my contribution. The only reason a wiki came to mind is because it's insane to have lots of stickies we have to scroll past *over and over*. @sunni later said:

"the old stickies will stay they dont get removed. we can add a new sticky."​

That's gonna be a lot of scrolling pretty soon. o_O

I wonder if it would make sense to have a single sticky titled "Important links, threads, FAQ. NEW USERS start here." That one sticky could link to the more important threads, off-site wiki if there ever was one?

That still wouldn't make info as structured and discoverable as I'd like to see (in a perfect world). But, if stickies are never removed, I hate to see more added. I know it's more your and a few others' forum (as the knowledge experts). But, others have to scroll through those "more important" threads (over and over). If they're never unpinned, that could easily be over done, right?

I'm sorry if my suggestions are unwanted. I'll shut up. (I feel your pain about recurring basic questions, reciting the same oral tradition over and over. That's what I was trying to think outside the box about.).

az, I am sorry you think it has something to do with you...Get over it. I want no part of your off screen personality or whatever..I appreciate your contributions.

But I haven't seen you post a single link, and that was all that is needed....This is not a WIKI thread, thats all, I am the op and that was never the intention. Again I appreciate the suggestion, but feel free to begin a thread on Wiki.

And....if you have something to add to the ACTUAL topic, then please, add that to the relevant list that is Much more appreciated...I am being as UN-personal as possible.
...A sentence reply like this would have sufficed..."There are too many threads to be stickied, to remain relevant."

I would have appreciated that far more than the Wiki rant. Again, that is not a personal attack. That is my opinion on single action that was taken. Nothing more.
az, I am sorry you think it has something to do with you...Get over it. I want no part of your off screen personality or whatever..I appreciate your contributions.

But I haven't seen you post a single link, and that was all that is needed....This is not a WIKI thread, thats all, I am the op and that was never the intention. Again I appreciate the suggestion, but feel free to begin a thread on Wiki.

And....if you have something to add to the ACTUAL topic, then please, add that to the relevant list that is Much more appreciated...I am being as UN-personal as possible.
...A sentence reply like this would have sufficed..."There are too many threads to be stickied, to remain relevant."

I would have appreciated that far more than the Wiki rant. Again, that is not a personal attack. That is my opinion on single action that was taken. Nothing more.
Ok, so I'm just gonna throw this out there...Did you make a thread exactly how you wanted, you know, with all the info and all the appropriate links? I mean, a truly sticky worthy thread?

Again I'm just asking
That was the basic gist of my suggestion, a list of links.

Now I understand. The very first sentence of the thread was: "how can we better group a few vital links into a Sticky Thread...as Rahz suggested.... "

I didn't understand that. All I saw was "more stickies." Sorry!. Now I understand @ab's indignity.

Carry on....
The Wiki thing may be partly my fault, I have been talking about it and mentioned it to Sunni before I saw this thread. I thought it would be ideal to integrate into RIU because it may be the most effective way to get the job done and keep it updated. Also I think it is fair that RIU should collect the ad revenue, and we could reach/help more people by keeping it on this very popular site.

That said, we could definitely start a compilation thread with the most relevant and up to date info and or links and sticky it, it would be a huge improvement from where we are now. @Abiqua I hope you stick around we need as many Tool fans as we can get :joint: