Yeah I was playing around with this concept earlier and came up with something like the following...
Ok take Jacks Blossom Booster 10-30-20 as an example. I think this means that 10% of the total weight is N, 30% P and 20% K.
Therefore one gram would have 0.1g N, 0.3g P and 0.2g K in each gram.
One gallon of water weighs a fixed number of grams, it's static at 3785.41 grams per gallon.
Thus if we consider grams to be "parts" and one gram of Jacks Blossom Booster 10-30-20 was dissolved in 1gal of water, then
(0.1g of N / 3785.41g of H20) * 1,000,000 =~ 26 parts per million N
(0.3g of P / 3785.41g of H20) * 1,000,000 =~ 79 parts per million P
(0.2g of K / 3785.41g of H20) * 1,000,000 =~ 53 parts per million K
Would that work out or am I missing something?