bong hoger
Well-Known Member
What can you do if the cops come nocking? and you got 6 plants in the back? If the plants are burn`d can they still take you down?

damn good advice, number one rule of growing, dont tell anyone anything.avoid contact with them and if caught SHUT UP
they wont knock if they are there for your grow,do not throw them out ,no warrant no worries,take care of the smell if your that worried,what if they are going door to door looking for a missing child and they see you looking threw the window and you dont answer???????????????put someona gel by your door and always have air freshner close by,do not throw out your plants if they come to your door,youll here a big crash when they want your grow
heres how we handle it n texas.
shoot them fuckers n throw em n the'll hear a big crash when they want your grow