What are you toking on?

are you guys making all this yummy wax or getting it at a shop? I've got like a lb of trim and popcorn that needs to made into bho in the worst way. I'm on the fence ordering a vac and desiccator to do it myself. If you are making it yourself, are you guys doing it with that setup or just winging it with low heat and a hope and a prayer its clean?
Roundabout jackson. Good lookin out. I got some drying...so, I think I can pull through this one ;) but if my patients end up needing some I may have to acquire somewhere
are you guys making all this yummy wax or getting it at a shop? I've got like a lb of trim and popcorn that needs to made into bho in the worst way. I'm on the fence ordering a vac and desiccator to do it myself. If you are making it yourself, are you guys doing it with that setup or just winging it with low heat and a hope and a prayer its clean?

I'm using heat but I'm not running a lb at a time either. More like a couple zips. Got a little over a 1/4 lb that I'm going to be blasting later. :)
Guess I am old school in more ways then one , I dont have time for blasting and purging as for me its easier to just make high grade Qwiso for dabs and more . Thinking of this , I better go get a few gallons of ISO , got some plans for the weekend :shock:
PPS - do you have a spot to grab gallons of 99% iso somewhere @ lower midmi?

I found a local store in the Northern Woods that stocks it for me and a few others but its pricey due to shipping , any grow store can order for you at around 25 a gallon with delivery .. But some get it as well from Cleaning Suppliers and Electronic stores along with paint stores . I find the price online to be too much but I dont have time to hunt elsewhere :(
Thanks for the tip. Knew about the frozen part of it, and was leaning towards bone dry this time but wanted to ask since we were on the topic.
Time for evening meds here , Nepalese Hash Plant another Landrace that I love .This one has buds that remind me of Sonic the Hedgehog as they are spiked with crazy red hairs but the medicine is very powerful regardless of the bag appeal its lacking .. It hits one behind the eyes with a deep heavy setting , then you face the driest mouth and along with a very very narcotic like stone .. Great Pain Relief and more , one hell of a sleeping aide too .. Thinking about throwing some pollen on this but I have to age her more and get to know her a little more first ..The beans were very old and only one female pheno made the keepers list :(

Edit , note the 5 bladed leaves , this is a pure Indica trait found in some land races and there kin and they will not make higher blade counts than this .
Have you collected your landraces yourself or are they from seedbanks? In your experience does pheno hunting in landraces require even more examples?
Have you collected your landraces yourself or are they from seedbanks? In your experience does pheno hunting in landraces require even more examples?

They came from far and wide mainly from my travels online , old timers gifted the rest that I did not find myself or receive from the net .. I did buy some African beans from the depot a while back as well to better complete my collection ..

And your right on there about phenos and diversity with Land Races as they can be very diverse depending on the fields and other factors , but in general they offer the best long term selection in my opinion .. Sometimes you will find more than you thought possible while opening up a whole new world of genetics .....Peace
No LoL you don't hear it much. it's Q-uick W-ash Iso hash. pretty much RSO right?

Ricks method is a 3-5 minute soak with a second wash along with agitation used to break down the material and it will absorb some chlorphyl . With Qwiso Hash oil it is done in a flash and some shake and stir it a little but I don't myself .. I tend to keep it all done in under a minute and this always produces the purest oil in the end :)

My healing oil is made half way between the two ..