What Are You Listening To?


Well-Known Member
Ambient 1: Music for Airports 1-1, performed live in an airport by the Bang on a Can all-stars. (The acoustic version from 1998 is my favorite performance of this work - even better than Eno's original studio recording.)



Well-Known Member
Bea Foote-Weed (1938Proclaimed Queen of the Vipers. Aka MJ smokers given the Viper name due to the sound one makes when hitting a joint. Vipers were the 30's Rasta. Jazz cats everywhere sang the Praises of the Ganja.


Well-Known Member
C2B3- "48 Hours To Go"

"You ain't got time to shit or pray, 'cause the dogs of rationale have gone astray!"


Well-Known Member

for thous of you who like and enjoy the dark theatrical music


Well-Known Member
Then how about more from John Cale


p.s. And Fear, and Paris 1919, and... this is an awesome concert


Well-Known Member
another good sad song. was in aids commercial among others... Portishead is awesome. trip hop[video=youtube;Vg1jyL3cr60]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg1jyL3cr60[/video]

the guy who yells before shes done singing needs his ass kicked... flawless perfection singing. beth is amazing her songs are very hard to sing and that guy had to yell ugh...


Well-Known Member

Dont fucking judge me....:weed:

its a classic from my childhood and brings back kool memories..

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
^ that's funny - I was going to post this yesterday!



Well-Known Member
No oates this morning, but here's some Hall



Well-Known Member
i was a huge kenny fan back in the day (wen i was 6 lol). then my older step brothers got new friends, and i was introduced to bands like ac/dc, zztop, DRI, judas priest, and it jus got heavier from there lol..
but its nice to get back to good old tunes. as iv said i have a wide range of music on my puter. even got some burt bacharach lol..