What are YOU hoarding for Corona Virus?


Well-Known Member
the forest has plenty of leaves.
Round rocks are the traditional way around these parts, in winter at least to, "scrape ye arse with a round rock", warm up the rock first though, or it could be a bit of a shock! If using leaves, avoid poison ivy or sumac leaves!


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to get extra rolling papers when you get them! Pot without papers will become an emergency for some!
Coke can on it's side make dent for bowl, punch holes where appropriate and enjoy..paper towel can substitute as coffee filter or any filter for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Round rocks are the traditional way around these parts, in winter at least to, "scrape ye arse with a round rock", warm up the rock first though, or it could be a bit of a shock! If using leaves, avoid poison ivy or sumac leaves!
i never heard of round rocks for that. lol.

you can make your own bidet with a squeeze bottle of warm water..women do this after birth.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Round rocks are the traditional way around these parts, in winter at least to, "scrape ye arse with a round rock", warm up the rock first though, or it could be a bit of a shock! If using leaves, avoid poison ivy or sumac leaves!
Hmm, fan leaves..... lol


Well-Known Member
Here, for the severely stoned...
COVID-19: What You Might Need If You're Quarantined at Home
Despite what you might see others doing, there's no need to hoard supplies for an extended stay at home

COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus that first emerged in China, is now spreading in certain communities in the U.S.

Some people are trying to limit their contact with crowds by spending more time at home. And as public health officials scramble to limit the spread of the virus, many Americans who have been exposed to COVID-19 have been asked to quarantine themselves at home for 14 days. Eventually, whole communities may be under similar restrictions, which is what happened in parts of Italy and China.

“We ask for people’s patience and understanding, and most importantly their cooperation,” Nancy Messonnier, M.D., director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said in a recent press briefing. “Right now, individual actions can have an important impact on how this situation plays out. You may need to take a break from your normal daily routine.”

That sort of break isn't all bad, says Emily He, a writer who lives in Cambridge, Mass., but was in China visiting family for Chinese New Year and has been unable to travel far from her mother’s apartment since Jan. 25. “Think about things you've been meaning to catch up on, and make a list,” He suggests.
everyone delivers groceries now if you don't want to go out..Safeway, Walmart; this isn't going to stop supply trucks from delivering to stores and gas stations.

if you're that sick and worried: stay home.