What Are You Doing On Election Night?


Well-Known Member
I know what I did before game seven of the World Series. I drove from Ohio to Wrigley Field and commiserated - then celebrated with a few hundred thousand others.

I know what I did last election - shook my head in wonder, awe and sorrow with a dwindling group of locals.

This election night is different. There seems to be about a 25% chance that Biden can claim a legit victory on election night and about a 0% chance that Trump can - just based on the likely battleground states and how they count their mail-in ballots. So I have taken election week off. I'll spend the day as a poll watcher - or, more accurately, one who watches the watchers. Then I will spend the night with my family hoping for the future of this country.

Oh, and I have a whole bunch of fireworks - mortars, waiting for the time to express my joy that we have dodged this bullet.

So what the fuck are you doing?
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Election night party thread here on RIU, hopefully tunes will be permitted on a dedicated thread in politics for such a special occasion! @Jimdamick will no doubt have a Trump is fucked party thread or something! :D I'd like to see Americans remove the chain from their necks, the burden from their backs and the pain from their asses!

Where do I send the get well soon card?
I know what I did before game seven of the World Series. I drove from Ohio to Wrigley Field and commiserated - then celebrated with a few hundred thousand others.

I know what I did last election - shook my head in wonder, awe and sorrow with a dwindling group of locals.

This election night is different. There seems to be about a 25% chance that Biden can claim a legit victory on election night and about a 0% chance that Trump can - just based on the likely battleground states and how they count their mail-in ballots. So I have taken election week off. I'll spend the day as a poll watcher - or, more accurately, one who watches the watchers. Then I will spend the night with my family hoping for the future of this country.

Oh, and I have a whole bunch of fireworks - mortars, waiting for the time to express my joy that we have dodged this bullet.

So what the fuck are you doing?
Fourth of July will come on Nov 3rd or 4th and Christmas will come early on Dec 14th, when Joe is president elect. Merry Christmas Donald! Jan 2nd the new congress sits perhaps with a substantial democratic senate majority, another constitutional deadline and nail in Donald's coffin. After election day Donald might suddenly lose the support of a few lame duck republican senators, possibly as many as ten. These are the times that try men's souls and soon some might be tried by a court of law, their souls were sold long ago.

This election looks like one for the record books they figure 160 million could vote, I don't think that kind of motivation is good for the republicans. There seems to be something the polls aren't capturing completely, deep currents that will show on election day. The soul of the nation Baldrick, the road to redemption or the road to Hell, a fork in the road to the future.
I try to avoid these threads because they're not productive. Frankly, they're just a bunch of trolls on BOTH the left and the right.

It's about time I chimed in.

I'm a true American Patriot. I don't follow one party or the other.

I will fully admit I believe in a bottom up economy rather than a top down economy. Not because I'm a "Liberal/Leftist/Antifa". Whatever. Those are just labels. I believe in a bottom up economy because I'm for free markets. Inject capital at the bottom and let the market decide where it goes. Makes serious fucking sense to me! Inject capital at the top and let it "trickle down"? Where has that gotten us?

For those who would suggest I'm a socialist? My son included? I would say I'm a true free market capitalist. The people who would label me a socialist are the same people who would ally with the party who has been giving big business bailouts and tax cuts to those at the top and suggest that bailouts and tax cuts at the bottom are "handouts" and make the citizenry dependent on government. Lazy. Losers. Really? When did you ever see a new stadium built without a government fucking handout?

Okay. With that said, I am also a full on Constitutionalist. Yeah, the Supreme Court of the United States exists to arbite the law in the context of the Constitution of the United States. 2nd Amendment? You Bet! Do I think everyone should be able to purchase or own a firearm? Fuck No! "Well regulated militia". You can call yourself a militia but that doesn't make it true within the context of The Constitution. It is the role of the legislature to to enact laws within the constraints of The Constitution and its amendments or amend The Constitution. That's all! They're just too fucking lazy and politically motivated to do their jobs.

Do I believe that all Constitutionalist Justices are true to the Constitution of the United States? Fuck No! I think they're just pandering to a specific demographic.

What am I getting at?

Citizens on The Left and The Right have a whole lot more in common than we have in difference. Those in power WANT us to be divided so they can remain in power. It's time we stopped allowing them to divide us.

We The People are the United States of America. Let's unite!

Crazy, isn't it?
As well, for the Constitutionalists among us (Amy Coney Barrett included) and serving as a humbling to me, a quote from Thomas Jefferson:

I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects. But I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors. – Letter to H. Tompkinson , 12 July 1816 (image at Library of Congress)

We should all read both the federalist and anti-federalist papers before deciding what the Founding Fathers intended.
Drinking republican tears from my Deep State coffee mug
I can see it now, first the Trumpers will shoot their TV's in rage, don their MAGA hats and head for the door assault rifles in hand, no plan though. Are they thinking about assaulting elections offices? Or standing armed to the teeth on street corners where cops will buy them coffee, dry their tears and soothe their shattered nerves. All the "liberals" will be home watching TV and partying, the Trumpers will be on the streets and had better get used to it, in the future the cops might not be so friendly.
I try to avoid these threads because they're not productive. Frankly, they're just a bunch of trolls on BOTH the left and the right.

It's about time I chimed in.

I'm a true American Patriot. I don't follow one party or the other.

I will fully admit I believe in a bottom up economy rather than a top down economy. Not because I'm a "Liberal/Leftist/Antifa". Whatever. Those are just labels. I believe in a bottom up economy because I'm for free markets. Inject capital at the bottom and let the market decide where it goes. Makes serious fucking sense to me! Inject capital at the top and let it "trickle down"? Where has that gotten us?

For those who would suggest I'm a socialist? My son included? I would say I'm a true free market capitalist. The people who would label me a socialist are the same people who would ally with the party who has been giving big business bailouts and tax cuts to those at the top and suggest that bailouts and tax cuts at the bottom are "handouts" and make the citizenry dependent on government. Lazy. Losers. Really? When did you ever see a new stadium built without a government fucking handout?

Okay. With that said, I am also a full on Constitutionalist. Yeah, the Supreme Court of the United States exists to arbite the law in the context of the Constitution of the United States. 2nd Amendment? You Bet! Do I think everyone should be able to purchase or own a firearm? Fuck No! "Well regulated militia". You can call yourself a militia but that doesn't make it true within the context of The Constitution. It is the role of the legislature to to enact laws within the constraints of The Constitution and its amendments or amend The Constitution. That's all! They're just too fucking lazy and politically motivated to do their jobs.

Do I believe that all Constitutionalist Justices are true to the Constitution of the United States? Fuck No! I think they're just pandering to a specific demographic.

What am I getting at?

Citizens on The Left and The Right have a whole lot more in common than we have in difference. Those in power WANT us to be divided so they can remain in power. It's time we stopped allowing them to divide us.

We The People are the United States of America. Let's unite!

Crazy, isn't it?

I think there are some good ideas in your post but for this November, I want beat them all hollow at the ballot box. Talk later.