What a FIMed finished lady looks like - pics


Well-Known Member
Looks good. IMO the leaf tips look like the beginnings of a little nute burn. Feed a little lighter next watering. I also see some upturned leaf ridges. Are you making sure your temps stay below 85 ? Got that ph at an acceptable number? The more mature she gets the more important it is these things are up to par.


Well-Known Member
yea,thats what mine looks like and idk if its nute burn or not but i didnt know i wasnt suposed to feed my plant at this stage and i put nutrient spikes into it and fucked it up so i flushed,but yea looks like the begging of a little nute burn,but yea i like them colas


Well-Known Member
Ok so i am gonna begin flushing here soon for the next two weeks, should i flush with molasses too? or just regular water? And some of the bottom leaves are starting to yellow and fall off, normal right?


Well-Known Member
Use the molasses all the way to the end:hump:And yes leaves yellowing and some falling off is normal.By the way those look pretty good,keep the pics comin:peace:


Well-Known Member
the buds on the very very bottom, the real small ones, are those bad to prune off during flowering?


Well-Known Member
Updates again

Day 67 of Flowering. Thinking a few more days, still flushing.
Anyone suggestions?

Some of the colas

whole lady

close bud

two colas


Well-Known Member
Damn man! Only got one suggestion because it looks like you got everything under control. Don't give it water a few days before you harvest. This will lower the chlorophyll level and give you better tasting buds. Just let the plant die on you and when the majority of fan leafs are yellow and drooped....bust out the trimmers!

Keep us posted and thanks for the sweet pictures!


Well-Known Member
looks v. nice man, nearly ready, just wait till alot more of the pistols turn orange, about 75% (and keep a close eye on the tricomes)