What a FIMed finished lady looks like - pics


Well-Known Member
dang 120 is kind of pricy,they have one i heard of thats only 60 at home depot out here alrey built 250W,ill ceck out that site thanks


Well-Known Member
updates, just gave her last of water / molasses before i harvest. here are some pics. Going to harvest in day or two.


up close

sprite size



Active Member
fucking sweet. mouth watering buds. if i could grow my girl to be even half that amazing i'd be in heaven. congrats, and thanks for the photo essay, that's going to really help as my girl gets older. she fucking better be a girl, or else...


Well-Known Member
It is suppose to help thicken up the buds. In Jorges book he shows a bud that gained 20% more weight than others that did not recieve sugar in flowering.


Well-Known Member
Nice mate, real nice.

A piece of friendly advice, if you choose to go for the multi-top effect again, I would suggest LST (tying down) that single top cola so that it's equal height to the rest of the colas, that way you can have the light closer to all the colas and they'll grow more evenly and the lower ones will get larger because they'll be getting as much light as the top. With the top cola there there's all that distance the light has to travel to get to the lower colas.
You know what I mean? Don't get me wrong, it looks awesome, but bare that in mind for next time jst for a minor improvement, cheers.


Active Member
Wow, that's great. It looks like you did a lot of trimming as the plant grew, or is that shape from the initial topping?


Well-Known Member
Yep you sure can mate. Do it all through flowering. Can even soften the stalk and bend it 45 degrees, it'll still grow fine.


Well-Known Member
yea,i wanna fim my babies,got 3 going right now,and yes u can LST during flowering,good grow ill check out ur othr


Active Member
Wow, that's great. It looks like you did a lot of trimming as the plant grew, or is that shape from the initial topping?
Hey Proph, think you could answer my question? I'm thinking of fimming my plants and want to know what you did afterwards to get only a few huge buds like that.
