What a bunch of tightwads ...

Med sez ...

"You never answer any questions, just like a rich republican you answer with a question."

OK, so what was your question again?

OK, so what was your question again?
Damn, it's been too long since I asked it but I think it was this: what is your plan for all the un-rich, the working poor, the middle class, I know your plan for you, pay no Income tax, and skate off to la-la land. If your not rich, and you pay more in income tax than I ever grossed in a year, you must have some expensive habits!
"Damn, it's been too long since I asked it but I think it was this: what is your plan for all the un-rich, the working poor, the middle class..."

My plan would be to stop government "planning." Centralized (federal) planning has proven to be a compete disaster in society after society where ever its been done. Just let the free market have its head and get the federal government out of the way. The government should act as a referee to protect the rights, the property and the liberties of the citizens.

"Damn, it's been too long since I asked it but I think it was this: what is your plan for all the un-rich, the working poor, the middle class..."

My plan would be to stop government "planning." Centralized (federal) planning has proven to be a compete disaster in society after society where ever its been done. Just let the free market have its head and get the federal government out of the way. The government should act as a referee to protect the rights, the property and the liberties of the citizens.

OK, so your plan is no plan, throw the dice and let the chips fall where they may. Ok, no welfare, no foodstamps, no afirmative action, employers set wages according to thier whims, no environmental laws, corporations can pollute all they want as long as the bottom line is strong, no social security (I'll be on your doorstep w/ my AK), an Ann Rand Paradise. Oh what a wonderful world it will be. Bosses can fire anyone for anything, and if you don't work your fingers to the bone for a dollar a day, the Bangladeshians will take your job. A complete world wide free market, where the owners of the society make all the rules and the peasants have no say. Sheer Paradise, Bullwhips and chains, Immeadiate execution for petty crimes, Draconian drug laws, except for the owners, they can have anything they want, Vi world, make me an owner and sign me up!
Med ...

With all due respect, if I recommended a few books for you to read, would you take the time to read them?

Med ...

With all due respect, if I recommended a few books for you to read, would you take the time to read them?

Will it make me rich, or will it just piss me off. I don't do much reading since the advent of TV and the Internet, I guess I'm the lazy type. If you give em to me, I can't promise I'll read them but at least you will have tried, thanks!
*lol* ... If I GIVE them to you, you won't read them for sure. And yes ... a few will make you rich (in more ways than one) if you apply the principles contained in them.

*lol* ... If I GIVE them to you, you won't read them for sure. And yes ... a few will make you rich (in more ways than one) if you apply the principles contained in them.

Oh. puleeeze, not some more self help books. I went through that in my thirties, never quite pulled it off, life got in the way. "the power of positive thinking-N.V. Peale etc.! I've been to seminars and even started a couple of internet businesses, never panned out> I guess you'd say I'm programmed for failure. I'll just live out my remaining years as comfortable as possible, and let those with ambition take the prize
Programmed for failure? Now THERE'S a very interesting comment. That's how I look at the effect our government monopolized school system is having on our youth. Entitlement programs have the same effect on adults. That's not to say that we shouldn't have some sort of a safety net, but we've gone WAY too far in expanding the Nanny State.

Programmed for failure? Now THERE'S a very interesting comment. That's how I look at the effect our government monopolized school system is having on our youth. Entitlement programs have the same effect on adults. That's not to say that we shouldn't have some sort of a safety net, but we've gone WAY too far in expanding the Nanny State.

What the hell are you bitching about? you are obviously the successful yuppie type, and live in your perfect little yuppieville. What are you crying for. Hasn't life been good to you. You obviously think you are somebody special, well if you're that special, why don't you run for office and institute all these changes you cry about. Hey I've accepted my stature in life, hell yeah I'd like to have more money, but not enough to go out and get it. You don't hear my crying. I admit it would be nice to have a million, but I realize that unless I hit the lottery, that's not going to happen, so I don't lie awake worrying about my situation. Get real, the libertarian party is never going to rid the government of social security so a few rich guys can have more money. Be happy with what you have and quit bitching!